Edgar Wutzdorff

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Edgar Wutzdorff (born March 18, 1855 in Darkehmen , East Prussia , † 1923 ) was a German medical officer and medical officer.


From 1872 Wutzdorff studied medicine at the Medical-Surgical Friedrich Wilhelm Institute . He joined the Pépinière-Corps Franconia. In 1876 he was at the Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Berlin to Dr. med. PhD. In the Prussian Army he was last medical officer and battalion doctor in the infantry regiment von der Marwitz (8th Pomeranian) No. 61 in Thorn. From August 1892 to May 1894 he was assigned to the Imperial Health Department . He retired from active service in 1894. As a medical officer in the Imperial Health Department, he became a go. Government Councilor and Director. He sat on the Reich Health Council and dealt with the fight against epidemics (cholera, influenza) and industrial hygiene.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 60/85.
  2. ^ Dissertation: Contributions to the etiology of psoriasis vulgaris .
  3. ↑ Master list of the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for military medical education (GoogleBooks)