Edmund Beck (philologist)

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Edmund Beck OSB , born as Michael Beck , (born November 6, 1902 in Huldsessen ; †  June 12, 1991 in Metten ), was a monk of the Benedictine Abbey of Metten and professor of biblical languages ​​at the Benedictine University of Sant'Anselmo in Rome .


After graduating from the Benedictine high school in Metten in 1922, Michael Beck first went to the teachers' college in Straubing , before joining the Metten Abbey in the same year and receiving the religious name Edmund when he was professed. Following the novitiate, he studied theology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 1923 to 1927 and classical philology from 1927 to 1930, also in Munich and then at the University of Würzburg . After his legal clerkship, he worked as a teacher of ancient languages ​​at the grammar school in Metten. During this time he wrote a thesis on The Quotes from the Koran at Sibaweih , with which he received his doctorate in philosophy in 1939 at the University of Munich in the field of oriental languages.

When the Mettener Gymnasium was closed by the National Socialist government in 1939 , Edmund Beck went to Rome as a professor for biblical languages ​​at the Benedictine College S. Anselmo. In 1961 he returned to Metten, where he worked again as a teacher at the grammar school until 1970.

Edmund Beck was one of the leading experts on the Syrian church father Ephraem . In addition to numerous essays and monographs on theology and Ephraem's writings, he worked between 1955 and 1979 for the series Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (CSCO), the authoritative critical edition with translation of the real works of Ephraem. In addition, Edmund Beck published several scientific articles on the Koran.


Edition of the works of Ephraem the Syrian

  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian's Hymns de Fide (CSCO 154/155; Scriptores Syri 73/74) 1955.
  • Hymns of St. Ephraem the Syrian against Haereses (CSCO 169/170; Scriptores Syri 76/77) 1957.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian hymns de Paradiso and Contra Julianum (CSCO 174/175; Scriptores Syri 78/79) 1957.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian's Hymns De Nativitate (Epiphania) (CSCO 186/187; Scriptores Syri 82/83) 1960.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian's hymns De Ecclesia (CSCO 198/199; Scriptores Syri 84/85) 1959.
  • Saint Ephraem of the Syrian Sermones de Fide (CSCO 212/213; Scriptores Syri 88/89) 1961.
  • Saint Ephraem by the Syrian Carmina Nisibena , I (CSCO 218/219; Scriptores Syri 92/93) 1961.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian's Hymns de Virginitate (CSCO 223/224; Scriptores Syri 94/95) 1962.
  • Saint Ephraem by the Syrian Carmina Nisibena , II (CSCO 240/241; Scriptores Syri 102/103) 1963.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian's Hymns de Ieiunio (CSCO 246/247; Scriptores Syri 106/107) 1964.
  • Paschal hymns of Saint Ephraem the Syrian (De azymis, de crucifixione, de resurrectione) (CSCO 248/249; Scriptores Syri 108/109) 1964.
  • Saint Ephraem by the Syrian Sermo de Domino Nostro (CSCO 270/271; Scriptores Syri 116/117) 1966.
  • Saint Ephraem of the Syrian Sermones , I (CSCO 305/306; Scriptores Syri 130/131) 1969.
  • Saint Ephraem of the Syrian Sermones , II (CSCO 311/312; Scriptores Syri 134/135) 1970.
  • Saint Ephraem of the Syrian Sermones , III (CSCO 320/321; Scriptores Syri 138/139) 1972.
  • Saint Ephraem the Syrian hymns to Abraham Kidunaya and Julianos Saba (CSCO 322/323; Scriptores Syri 140/141) 1972.
  • Saint Ephraem of the Syrian Sermones , IV (CSCO 334/335; Scriptores Syri 148/149) 1973.
  • Supplements to Ephraem Syrus (CSCO 363/364; Scriptores Syri 159/160) 1975.
  • Ephraem Syrus. Sermones in Hebdomadam Sanctam (CSCO 412/413; Scriptores Syri 181/182) 1979.

Monographs and articles (selection)

  • A Christian parallel to the Qur'an's virgins of paradise? , in: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 14 (1948) 398-405.
  • The theology of St. Ephraem in his hymns on faith (Studia Anselmiana 21), Città del Vaticano 1949.
  • Ephraem's hymns on paradise. Translation and commentary (Studia Anselmiana 26), Rome 1951.
  • Ephraem's speeches on faith. Its theological teaching content and its historical framework (Studia Anselmiana 33), Rome 1953.
  • The picture from the mirror near Ephrem , Rome 1953.
  • Christian monasticism in the Koran (Studia Orientalia 13.3), Helsinki 1954.
  • The Eucharist at Ephrem , in: Oriens Christianus 38 (1954) 41–68.
  • The Mariology of the real writings of Ephrem , in: Oriens Christianus 40 (1956) 22–40.
  • Ephrem's polemic against Mani and the Manicheans in the context of contemporary Greek polemics and that of Augustine (CSCO Subsidia 55), Louvain 1978.
  • Ephräms des Syrians Psychology and Knowledge (CSCO Subsidia 58), Louvain 1980.
  • Ephräm's doctrine of the Trinity in the image of the sun - fire, light and warmth (CSCO Subsidia 62), Louvain 1981.
  • On the terminology of Ephräm's visual theology , in: Margot Schmidt (ed.), Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei der Eastern Fathers and their parallels in the Middle Ages (Eichstätter Contributions / Department Philosophy and Theology 4), Regensburg 1982, 239–277.
  • Dorea and Charis. Baptism. Two contributions to the theology of Ephrem the Syrian (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Subsidia, vol. 72 / Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. 457), Leuven 1984.
  • Two ephremic images , in: Oriens Christianus 71 (1987) 1-23.
  • The Syrian Diatessaron Commentary on the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit translated and explained in: Oriens Christianus 73 (1989) 1-37.
  • The Syrian Diatessaron commentary on the pericope of the Samaritan woman at the well, translated and explained , in: Oriens Christianus 74 (1990) 1-24.
  • The Syrian Diatessaron Commentary on the Pericope of the Sinner, Luc. 7.36-50 , in: Oriens Christianus 75 (1991) 1-15.
  • The Syrian Diatessaron Commentary on the Pericope of the Rich Young Man , in: Oriens Christianus 76 (1992) 1-45.
  • Ephrem and the Diatessaron commentary in the section on the miracles at the death of Jesus on the cross , in: Oriens Christianus 77 (1993) 104–119.


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar Vol. 7 (1950).
  • Rupert Fischer, memories of P. Dr. Edmund Beck († June 12, 1991) , in: Alt und Jung Metten 58 (191/92) 4–9.
  • Stephan Haering, bibliography by Prof. Dr. P. Edmund Beck OSB , in: Oriens Christianus 77 (1993) 236-240.
  • Stephan Haering, In memoriam Edmund Beck , in: SMGB 103 (1992) 438-440.
  • Michael Kaufmann, Memento mori. In memory of the deceased conventuals of the Benedictine abbey of Metten since the rebuilding in 1830 (history of the development of the Benedictine abbey of Metten, Part V), Metten 2008, 462f.

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