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The Ehrschatz (Mittellat. Laudenium ) was a medieval and early modern handover fee that was incurred in the Alemannic region , which was levied by the feudal lord in return for his consent to the transfer of ownership of an immovable property by one of his feudal lords , first tenants or leaseholders to another person who was not whose rightful heir was. Occasionally he also referred to a tax on tithes and customs duties which the holders of these rights had to deliver to the authorities; Charges incurred when appointing offices, as well as sporadic other fees. The treasure trove amounted to a certain percentage of the purchase price and was an important source of income for the state.

Also cash and in kind on a smaller scale, such as natural products, gloves, shoe and swords allegedly called it, in the Middle Ages the vassal ad honorem, ie an honorary place of military service to the feudal lord was paid over.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Quoted from the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz; according to the Baden dictionary, the German legal dictionary and the Swiss idioticon, each s. v.
  2. Ērschatz, meanings 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b. In: Schweizerisches Idiotikon , Volume VIII, Col. 1649 ff.
  3. ^ Andreas Heusler: Constitutional history of the city of Basel in the Middle Ages . Basel 1860, p. 171. Richard Schröder: Textbook of German legal history . Veit & Comp., Leipzig 1907, p. 820.