Swiss Federal Audit Office

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Swiss Federal Audit Office SFAO
"Corporate Design Federation" - logo of the federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation
Headquarters Bern
Chief Michel Huissoud
Deputy Brigitte Christ,
Eric-Serge Jeannet
Employees 95

The Swiss Federal Audit Office ( Côntrole fédéral des finances CFF in French , Controllo federale delle finanze CFF in Italian , Controlla federala da finanzas CFF in Romansh ) is the supreme financial supervisory body of the Swiss Confederation . It supports Parliament and the Federal Council , is independent in its auditing activities and, according to the Financial Control Act , is only obliged to the constitution and the law .

Supervisory area

The Swiss Federal Audit Office oversees the following areas:

  • Central and decentralized federal administration
  • Parliamentary Services
  • Recipients of subsidies (e.g. road construction, agriculture)
  • Public authorities (e.g. Swiss National Science Foundation )
  • Companies with a majority shareholding by the federal government
  • Federal courts (administrative area which is also under the supervision of parliament)


As early as 1877 there were calls for the establishment of an audit office in Switzerland , but this was initially rejected and a control bureau was created instead . In 1882 the finance department was reorganized. The control bureau was given a legal basis and the name, which has not changed to this day, Federal Financial Control.

In the following time there were repeated efforts to introduce an audit office, so any attempts in 1924 and 1990 failed. In 1967 a new financial control law came into force, the work of financial control was significantly upgraded and auditing activities in procurement , construction and construction fell again in the area of subsidies in the competence of the authority .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Council appoints Michel Huissoud as the new SFAO Director on, 21 August 2013
  2. (accessed on September 10, 2013)
  3. (accessed on September 10, 2013)
  4. (accessed on September 10, 2013)
  5. (accessed on September 10, 2013)