A Bertolt Brecht evening with Therese Giehse

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A Bertolt Brecht evening with Therese Giehse
Studio album by Therese Giehse



Label (s) Literary archive

Format (s)


Genre (s)

Speech plate

Title (number)

4 episodes

running time

each approx. 50 min.

occupation Therese Giehse (speaker), Peter Fischer (musical director)


Deutsche Grammophon

Studio (s)


The Songs of Mother Courage (DGG 1967) A Bertolt Brecht evening with Therese Giehse A Bertolt Brecht Evening with Therese Giehse, second episode (DGG 1968)

A Bertolt Brecht Evening with Therese Giehse is a literary record series, the first episode of which was published in 1967 and which was continued in the following three years with a further episode. On the records, the Brecht interpreter Therese Giehse can be heard with a diverse selection of texts by Bertolt Brecht compiled by her , which she performs both spoken and sung. The musical direction of the long-playing records is made by Peter Fischer , who, with two exceptions ( Hanns Eisler ), also wrote the compositions.


Therese Giehse in the role of Mother Courage, portrait by Günter Rittner , 1966

It was the second Giehse record in the literary archive to be released in 1967 under the title Ein Bertolt-Brecht-Abend mit Therese Giehse ; Her songs of Courage had previously been released as an EP . On the first edition, the note “First episode” was added to the title, since the Giehsesche Brecht evening was designed as a series of speech plates from the start . The sequels followed every year. The recordings for the first episodes of the series were made in Munich in 1966. Episode 4 also documented a performance of the Munich Kammerspiele .

At the time the series was created, Giehse had already made a name for herself as a Brecht interpreter and had been highly praised by the author himself for her interpretation.

Text selection

When selecting the poems and short texts to be heard, the focus is on those that have arisen more from personal reasons than the “programmatic” Brecht. A personal level, on which Giehse encounters Brecht here, is in the end a kind of autobiography , which is composed of sometimes quite contradicting texts from various phases of Brecht's creative work.

The only long text is the scene from The Spy , Out of Fear and Misery of the Third Reich , a dramatic work by Brecht, which fills the entire B-side of the second episode . Therese Giehse speaks all the roles here.


Between a much larger number of spoken texts, settings of Brechtian poetry can be found in all episodes . Peter Fischer, who took on the overall musical direction of the evenings , usually composed himself. In addition to Fischer on the piano, musicians were Benno Ahr (saxophone), Hans Günther Billig (flutes) and Nico Quabus (double bass). The reciter took over the vocal part.

The director Peter Stein felt on the plate-heard compositions by Eisler and Fischer under the impression of the embossed by the musicality of Giehse recitations as "composed continuations of Giehse'schen speech".


The Bayerische Rundfunk gushed that Giehse "read" or "speak" not, but "think the poet to" so that one can completely forget that you are listening to an interpreter or at all. “What happens through them in a pure Brecht reading lies beyond all virtuosity - beyond everything that is commonly referred to as 'ability', even if it would be inconceivable without it. It is the absolute congruence - the identity between what is to be expressed and what is expressed. ”It was said in a record review of the BR immediately after the first episode appeared. The first episode is awarded the German Record Prize.

The illustrated press saw u. a. The common roots of the poet and his interpreter in the southern German-speaking area are also responsible for the "intellectual-artistic kinship" of Giehses and Brecht that can be heard on the record, and the Düsseldorfer Allgemeine Zeitung even described both as "a team that can hardly be better". Die Giehse understand the Brechtian language like hardly anyone else and is therefore able to “feel” his poems in a unique way and to give them expression.

The literary mirror noted: "Therese Giehse, with sharpness, accuracy and the commitment of the spirit, not the feeling, reading, could have invented Brecht's reproduction theories".

The series also received attention in the GDR criticism. Franz Förster confessed in the Berlin national newspaper that Giehse is at the "top" of the best Brecht interpreters with her interpretation. She always hit the nerve point "with her almost prosaic, factual, but also the whistles and gags of the comedic in no way deviating." There is just as much to be said of Peter Fischer as composer, musical accompanist and player on the record. Christoph Funke from Der Morgen in Berlin analyzed that the actress reads "carefully, slowly, deliberately, without any effect. She speaks as if she was getting to know the lyrics for the first time - there is not the slightest routine, no smoothness, but rather a noticeable, often almost "rough", stunned examination of Brecht's poems. "


In addition to the individual editions and various later re-publications, the DGG's literary archive also published a cassette work in which all four Brecht evenings were summarized under the title of the great bb , with the exception of the single large dramatic text The Spy , which was already out of the overall concept . The 3-LP-box also contained a large Brecht poster and explanations, etc. a. by Marcel Reich-Ranicki . In the GDR, two episodes in the series were taken over for the LITERA label.

The last Brecht-Evenings Giehses appeared as a 3-CD box under the title An die Nachgeboren. Songs and poems by Bertolt Brecht (2006) declared as an audio book under the label Deutsche Grammophon Literatur .

Track list

episode 1

A side

  1. Ballad from poor BB
  2. Song from my mother
  3. My mother
  4. From the Christmas poems: Maria
  5. Good night
  6. Children's songs: Ballad from the pound
  7. Where should that go (music: Peter Fischer)
  8. The tailor from Ulm
  9. About the child who did not want to wash
  10. Mother Beimlen (music: Hanns Eisler)
  11. The plum tree
  12. My brother was an aviator
  13. Morning speech to Baum Griehn
  14. About swimming in lakes and rivers
  15. About the drowned girl
  16. Investigation of whether people help people

B side

  1. Questions from a reading worker
  2. The wolf got to the chicken (music: Peter Fischer)
  3. Liturgy of the breath
  4. The birth of the great Babylon
  5. 1940
  6. Hollywood
  7. The mask of evil
  8. Legend of the origin of the book Taoteking on the path of Laotse into emigration
  9. From blasting the garden
  10. Reading the newspaper while making tea
  11. After the death of my colleague MS

Episode 2

A side

  1. To those born later
  2. German misery (music: Hanns Eisler)
  3. Epilogue from Arturo Ui's rescuing rise
  4. Song of a German mother (music: Hanns Eisler)
  5. Children's crusade
  6. I, the survivor
  7. The washing (for CN)
  8. return
  9. The smoke
  10. The flower garden
  11. Fir trees
  12. Because the instrument is out of tune
  13. The crutches (music: Peter Fischer)
  14. The wheel change
  15. On a Chinese tea root lion
  16. Amusements
  17. To my countrymen

B side

Episode 3

A side

  1. Great thanksgiving chorus
  2. Hymn to god
  3. Chased away with good reason
  4. Orge's answer
  5. Orge's wish list
  6. The apple bock and the lily in the field (music: Peter Fischer based on a melody used by Brecht)
  7. Ballad from the adventurers
  8. Of the compliance of nature
  9. Good way, bad way
  10. Against seduction (music: Peter Fischer)

B side

  1. Change the world
  2. I hear
  3. The shoe of Empedocles
  4. Address of the farmer to his ox
  5. Parable of the Buddha of the burning house
  6. At the birth of a son
  7. Oh Fallada You Hang (1932)
  8. The song of the whitewash (music: Peter Fischer)
  9. Swendborger poems - Vorspruch Fled
  10. The man who took me in
  11. ask
  12. To the Danish refuge
  13. Finnish landscape

Episode 4

A side

  1. The cherry thief
  2. The durable gray goose (music: Peter Fischer)
  3. Cow eating
  4. breaking Dawn
  5. The government as an artist
  6. The guarantee
  7. theatre
  8. The curtains
  9. The lighting
  10. The chants
  11. The masters shop cheaply
  12. Letter to the actor Charles Laughton
  13. The radish
  14. At the news of a statesman's illness
  15. Praise the dialectic
  16. 1. Poem by the Unknown Soldier
  17. 2. Poem by the Unknown Soldier

B side

  1. Ballad from the water wheel
  2. War industry
  3. The anachronistic train or freedom and democracy
  4. Everything changes
  5. From the friendliness of the world
  6. Maria sat on a stone
  7. The shark that has teeth
  8. What a child is told
  9. Little beggar song
  10. I examine carefully
  11. Habits still
  12. perception
  13. Bad morning
  14. Hard times
  15. Song of the sisters
  16. I don't need a tombstone

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated August 13, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dg-literatur.de
  2. Hörzeit - magazine of Deutsche Grammophon

Web links