Population development in Münster

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This article shows the population development of the city of Münster in tabular and graphic form.

On December 31, 2013, the “ official population ” of Münster was 297,980 according to updates by the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia (only main residences and after comparison with the other state offices ).

The population of Münster increased by a good 1.0% compared to the previous year, so that at the end of 2013, according to the Office for Urban Development, Urban Planning and Transport Planning of the City of Münster, 297,980 inhabitants were 3048 more than in 2012. The number of primary residences rose in 2011 by 4.3% from 276,981 to 288,914. At the same time, the number of second homes fell by 8.2% from 8,199 to 7,526, which is due to the second home tax introduced in Münster in May 2011.

Population development

Population development of Münster from 1816 to 2017

Münster was officially founded in 793, the first population figures can be proven from the beginning of the 16th century. The city's population grew slowly in the Middle Ages and early modern times . Due to the numerous wars, epidemics and famines, it kept falling. So there was another great death of the plague in Münster in 1554. The epidemic occurred mainly in the parish of Überwasser and claimed more than 8,000 deaths. The death had already begun in 1553 and lasted until the summer of 1554.

During the reign of the Anabaptists in the 1530s, the population fell from 10,000 to 3,000, but returned to its old level within only 60 years. The city also suffered population losses in the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648).

It was not until industrialization in the 19th century that population growth accelerated. In 1815 only 15,000 people lived in the city, by 1900 there were already 64,000. Münster has been considered a major city since it exceeded 100,000 inhabitants in 1915.

The importance of Münster as a garrison town during World War I is clear from the results of the census of December 5, 1917. A total local population of 103,059 people was determined. According to the economics department of the War Food Office, these included 14,953 military personnel and 8,000 prisoners of war. Their share in the total population was 22.3 percent. 169 temporarily absent military personnel are not included in the statistics.

The effects of the Second World War are clearly visible . As part of the moral bombing strategy, Münster's city center was almost 91 percent destroyed by Allied bombing, and the degree of destruction in the entire city was around 63 percent. In the numerous air raids, more than 1,600 people died from direct bomb impact. Overall, the city lost 81.6 percent of its residents (115,164 people) during the war. The population decreased from 141,059 in May 1939 to 25,895 in April 1945.

With the return of the evacuees and the influx of refugees and displaced persons from the German eastern areas , the city's population rose very quickly. In 1953, as many people lived in Münster as before the war. In 1966 the limit of 200,000 inhabitants was exceeded. On January 1, 1975, the incorporation of numerous places from the former Münster district brought a gain of 62,119 people to 264,546 inhabitants. At the end of 2010, the city with 279,803 inhabitants was 22nd among the major German cities and tenth within North Rhine-Westphalia. On December 31, 2012, 296,536 residents registered their place of residence in Münster. According to the prognosis of the state office, the population should grow to 300,000 by 2025. In fact, the 300,000 population mark was exceeded in 2014.

The following overview shows the number of inhabitants according to the respective territorial status. Up to 1815 these are mostly estimates, then census results (¹) or official updates by the city administration (until 1970) and the State Statistical Office (from 1971). From 1840 the information relates to the “customs clearance population”, from 1871 to the “local population”, from 1925 to the resident population and since 1987 to the “population at the place of the main residence”. Before 1840, the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey methods.

From 1816 to 1870

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 1, 1816 ¹ 17,316
December 1, 1817 ¹ 17,435
December 1, 1825 ¹ 20,837
December 1, 1828 ¹ 21,046
December 3, 1831 ¹ 21,983
date Residents
December 3, 1840¹ 23,365
December 3, 1843 ¹ 23,772
December 3, 1846 ¹ 24,193
December 3, 1849 ¹ 24,664
December 3, 1852 ¹ 25,222
date Residents
December 3, 1855 ¹ 26,380
December 3, 1858 ¹ 26,332
December 3, 1861 ¹ 27,332
December 3, 1864¹ 27,773
December 3, 1867 ¹ 25,453

¹ census result

From 1871 to 1944

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 1, 1871 ¹ 24,821
December 1, 1875 ¹ 35,705
December 1, 1880¹ 40,434
December 1, 1885 ¹ 44,060
December 1, 1890¹ 49,340
December 2, 1895 ¹ 57,135
December 1, 1900 ¹ 63,754
December 31, 1901 65,340
December 31, 1902 66,910
December 31, 1903 68,410
December 31, 1904 79,120
December 1, 1905 ¹ 81,468
December 31, 1906 82,526
December 31, 1907 82,870
December 31, 1908 84,936
December 31, 1909 86.907
December 1, 1910¹ 90.254
date Residents
December 31, 1911 92.156
December 31, 1912 92,585
December 31, 1913 93,554
December 31, 1915 97.067
December 1, 1916 ¹ 99,465
December 5, 1917 ¹ 103.059
October 8, 1919 ¹ 100,452
December 31, 1919 108,940
December 31, 1920 104.605
December 31, 1921 105,417
December 31, 1922 106,445
December 31, 1923 107,555
December 31, 1924 107.955
June 16, 1925 ¹ 106,418
December 31, 1925 108.096
December 31, 1926 110,459
December 31, 1927 113.921
date Residents
December 31, 1928 115.716
December 31, 1929 117,851
December 31, 1930 120,343
December 31, 1931 121,666
December 31, 1932 122,988
June 16, 1933 ¹ 122.210
December 31, 1933 125.178
December 31, 1934 127,482
December 31, 1935 131,748
December 31, 1936 135,481
December 31, 1937 138,652
December 31, 1938 141,000
May 17, 1939 ¹ 141.059
December 31, 1939 142,500
December 31, 1940 144,945
December 31, 1944 35,700

¹ census result

Source: City of Münster

From 1945 to 1989

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
April 30, 1945 25,895
December 31, 1945 79,016
October 29, 1946 ¹ 86,366
December 31, 1947 99,414
December 31, 1948 103,600
September 13, 1950 ¹ 118,889
December 31, 1950 120,376
December 31, 1951 129,624
December 31, 1952 135.973
December 31, 1953 142,970
September 25, 1956 ¹ 155.241
December 31, 1960 180.117
June 6, 1961 ¹ 182,721
December 31, 1961 184.291
December 31, 1962 187.237
date Residents
December 31, 1963 190,676
December 31, 1964 194,341
December 31, 1965 196,641
December 31, 1966 200,376
December 31, 1967 202.381
December 31, 1968 203.110
December 31, 1969 204.716
May 27, 1970 ¹ 198.371
December 31, 1970 198,878
December 31, 1971 198,470
December 31, 1972 200,180
December 31, 1973 199,748
December 31, 1974 200,448
December 31, 1975² 264,546
December 31, 1976 266.083
date Residents
December 31, 1977 267.182
December 31, 1978 267.056
December 31, 1979 267,478
December 31, 1980 269,696
December 31, 1981 271.810
December 31, 1982 272.918
December 31, 1983 273.453
December 31, 1984 272,626
December 31, 1985 270.102
December 31, 1986 267,628
May 25, 1987 ¹ 246.186
December 31, 1987 246,339
December 31, 1988 248,919
December 31, 1989 253.123

¹ Census result
² Community reform in North Rhine-Westphalia on January 1st, 1975

Sources: City of Münster (until 1970), State Office for Information and Technology NRW (from 1971)

Since 1990

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 31, 1990 259,438
December 31, 1991 264.181
December 31, 1992 267,072
December 31, 1993 267,367
December 31, 1994 264,887
December 31, 1995 265.061
December 31, 1996 265,748
December 31, 1997 265.138
December 31, 1998 264,489
December 31, 1999 264,670
date Residents
December 31, 2000 265,609
December 31, 2001 267.197
December 31, 2002 268,945
December 31, 2003 269,579
December 31, 2004 270.038
December 31, 2005 270,868
December 31, 2006 272.106
December 31, 2007 272,951
December 31, 2008 273.875
December 31, 2009 275,543
date Residents
December 31, 2010 279,803
December 31, 2011 293,393
December 31, 2012 294,932
December 31 2013 297.980
December 31, 2014 302.178
December 31, 2015 310.039
December 31, 2016 311,846
December 31, 2017 313,559
December 31, 2018 314,319
December 31, 2019 315.293

Source: State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia

Population forecast

In their 2006 “Guide to Demographic Change 2020”, in which the Bertelsmann Foundation provides data on the development of the population of 2,959 municipalities in Germany, Münster's population is predicted to increase by 0.9 percent between 2003 and 2020 (2,543 people) .

The forecast opposite compared to the real development from 1990 to 2017
year Residents
2012 296,590
2020 319,330
2025 326.170
2030 330.140

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

The statistics of the city of Münster give a population of 287,357 people at the place of the main residence for April 2011, the prognosis therefore deviates considerably from the actual development even in the more current version. Lt. According to the 2011 census, the 2011 population in Münster is another (higher) number of 293,393.

Again, the Westfälische Nachrichten gives a population for 2011 of 289,576 and in the WP basic data a population of 296,599 is given for 2012. There is also a significant increase of 7,023 inhabitants within one year. These divergent numbers of inhabitants are mainly due to the fact that Münster is a university town with many students, which makes a precise calculation, but also a forecast, much more difficult. (For example, see the updated Bertelsmann forecast for 2015, ie in just under two years, "only" 279,750 inhabitants).

In March 2016, Deutsche Postbank AG published a study conducted by Michael Bräuninger, professor at Helmut Schmidt University , entitled Housing Atlas 2016 - Living in the City , in which a population forecast for 36 major German cities for the year 2030 is carried out. It also explicitly takes into account the immigration in the context of the refugee crisis in Germany from 2015 . It predicts a population decline of 3.66% for Münster from 2015 to 2030 despite the influx of refugees.

Population structure

According to nationality

The official statistics do not include naturalized persons and German-born children of foreign origin as foreigners. Foreign students are certainly included in the statistics. On December 31, 2015, 27,147 people from 182 countries lived in Münster, in 1995 there were 157 different nations.

Foreign residents entitled to live in Münster
(as of December 31, 2015)

On December 31, 2015, 27,147 foreigners were living in Münster, most of them from Poland (2249), Syria (2022), Serbia (1925), Turkey (1758), Portugal (1641), Italy (1042) and the Russian Federation (955).

The distribution of the origin of the largest groups of foreigners legally registered in Münster has shifted in recent years. For most of the EU countries of origin, the population in Münster is declining, with the exception of Poland and Italy.

Country of origin Residents in 1995 Residents in 2003 Residents in 2006 Residents in 2015
Belgium 75
Bulgaria 521
China 425
Denmark 44
Estonia 24
Finland 64
France 453 430
Greece 303
Great Britain 930 831 727
Iraq 301
Iran 1100 531
Ireland 43
Italy 894 777 1042
Yugoslavia 1975
Croatia 401
Latvia 183 524
Lithuania 115
Luxembourg 22nd
Malta 0
Morocco 386
Netherlands 622 527
Poland 879 1353 1608 2249
Portugal 1740 1872 1765 1641
Russian Federation 955
Russia 742
Sweden 78
Serbia 2225 1925
Slovakia 43
Slovenia 28
Spain 625 599
South Korea 361
Syria 150 2022
Czech Republic 54
Turkey 2292 2091 1758
Ukraine 497
Hungary 102
United States 304
Cyprus 10
Austria 299

Sources: 1995, 2003, 2006, 2015

Population structure Residents
Residents with main residence 272.106
  of which male 127.508
  Female 144,598
German 252,538
  of which male 118,652
  Female 133,886
Foreigners 19,568
  of which male 8,856
  Female 10,712

Source: State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of December 31, 2006)

The proportion of foreigners in the total population of Münster is less than ten percent compared to other similarly sized German cities.

date Proportion of foreigners in percent
2003 9
December 31, 2006 7.2
December 31, 2015 8.9

Sources: 2003, 2006, 2015

By age

Due to the almost 48,000 students in Münster's population, the average age is at times just below the national average of 40 years. In 2007 the average age of the population entitled to reside was 40.2 years. The life expectancy is located in Muenster for men was 79.5 years, for women 84.3 years. This is one of the highest life expectancies in any German city.

The following overview shows the age structure as of December 31, 2014 (main residences).

Age from - to population Percentage
0 - 9 24,946 8.3
10-19 27,120 9.0
20-29 59,674 19.7
30-39 43,582 14.4
40-49 40,752 13.5
50 - 59 40,260 13.3
60-69 26,494 8.8
70 - 79 24.173 8.0
80-89 12,518 4.1
90 and more 2,659 0.9
total 302.178 100.0

Source: State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia

Development of the population of residents over 65 years of age
(source: Landesbetrieb Information und Technik NRW)
Migration of residents over 65 years of age
(Source: Landesbetrieb Information und Technik NRW)

Between 1994 and 2014, the number of residents over 65 years of age rose from 39,800 to 51,313. This development is primarily due to the aging of the population, with relocations only playing a subordinate role, although it can be observed that senior citizens are increasingly relocating their homes from major German cities to more rural areas. The migration in old age is highest in cities where rents are particularly high. In 2016, Münster ranks 20th nationwide in this trend. Between 2005 and 2014, around 366,000 residents aged 65 and over left the 20 largest German cities throughout Germany, while around 246,000 people of the same age group moved in, which represents a migration loss of around 120,000 senior citizens. In 2014, there were 503 immigrants of residents over 65 years of age in Münster, while 571 emigrations were reported. Most recently, in 2012, there were more arrivals than seniors in Münster.

By gender

On December 31, 2012, the city of Münster had 47.6 percent male and 52.4 percent female residents.

Migratory movements

Migration of residents between 1975 and 2005
(source: City of Münster)

The following overview shows the migration movements of the population entitled to reside, i.e. including all students who have their secondary residence in Münster.

year Immigration Departures Migration balance
1975 16,469 14,424 +2,045
1980 17,312 15.214 +2,098
1985 14,694 17,331 −2,637
1990 19,188 16,543 +2,645
1995 18,559 17,463 +1.096
2000 18,537 19.195 −658
2001 18,789 19,808 −1.019
2002 19,133 18,543 +590
2003 20,835 19,335 +1,500
2004 18,350 19,599 −1,249
2005 17,632 18,971 −1,339

Source: City of Münster


Division of the city of Münster into city districts - the dark parts mark the built-up parts of the city area

The urban area of ​​Münster consists of six urban districts. According to the main statute, the individual city districts are further divided into residential areas.

The population figures in the following table refer to December 31, 2011 (main and secondary residences).

Surname Area
in km²
of inhabitants
per km²
Hiltrup 69.76 37,399 536 7.8
center 23.92 122,432 5.118 6.4
North 36.10 28,851 800 12.9
east 54.17 21,430 396 4.4
Southeast 36.05 27,516 762 6.6
west 82.96 58,812 709 8.6
Muenster 302.95 296,440 979 7.5

Source: City of Münster

Employment structure

According to statistics from the Federal Employment Agency, a total of 12,123 people in Münster were unemployed at the end of December 2005. This corresponds to an unemployment rate of 8.5%. In contrast, according to the quarterly report of the city of Münster for the first quarter of 2005, the last available figure from September 2004 was 128,962 people in employment. Münster is a classic commuter city , a total of around 60,000 people commute, compared to 20,000 out-commuters.

The following table shows the breakdown of employees subject to social security contributions by economic group on December 31, 2003:

Economic department, economic group Workers
number in %
Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
mining, quarrying,
manufacturing industry,
energy and water supply,
construction industry,
hospitality industry,
transport and communications,
banking and insurance industry,
real estate, rental, business services,
public administration, etc.
Public and private services (excluding public administration )
All in all 128,363 100.0

Source: State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia

Education and training

Schools (school year 2011/2012) student
50 Elementary schools 9,462
7th Secondary schools 1,982
11 Special schools 1,818
9 Realschulen 4,433
14th High schools 13,451
1 comprehensive school 1,515
1 Free Waldorf School 277
1 HEBO private school 45
1 Helen Keller School 140
1 Hugo de Groot School 27
Vocational colleges (school year 2011/2012) student
All in all 19,748
Universities (winter semester 2010/2011) Students
All in all 46,709
from that Westphalian Wilhelms University 37.197
Art academy 303
University of Applied Sciences (FH) in Münster 6,291
Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration (Finance) 909
FH for Public Administration NW 906
Catholic FH North Rhine-Westphalia 780
Philosophical-Theological College 59
German Police University 264
Continuing education (2011)
Adult Education Center: events 1,983
with participants 23.106
Evening grammar school, secondary school, Overberg college & student
Pedagogical center at the correctional facility 1,156
Public Libraries (2011) Borrow
City library 1,866,622
34 catholic libraries 506.259
4th Protestant libraries 22,320
West German hearing library for the blind 50,625

Source: City of Münster - 2014 annual statistics (2011/12 included)


Although Münster collects an average of 731 euros in municipal taxes per inhabitant and this value is in the upper third in relation to the Federal Republic of Germany with a national average of 494 euros, the following table clearly shows the city's increasing debt.

year Debt
in 1000 €
Interest and repayment payments
in 1000 €
1990 176,624 20,354
1997 349.743 31,604
1998 379,829 34,950
1999 401.623 37.017
2000 437,530 40,081
2001 493,687 39,162
2002 561.169 42,624
2003 606.620 44,082
2004 657.352 46.223
2005 693.557 47,603
2006 698.931 47,566
2007 764.054
2008 775,669
2009 799.770
2010 876.564
2011 866.519

Source: City of Münster


  • Imperial Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Statistical yearbook for the German Empire. 1880-1918
  • Statistisches Reichsamt (Ed.): Statistical yearbook for the German Reich. 1919–1941 / 42
  • German Association of Cities (Hrsg.): Statistical yearbook of German municipalities. 1890 ff.
  • Federal Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Statistical yearbook for the Federal Republic of Germany. 1952 ff.
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.): Guide to Demographic Change 2020. Analyzes and action plans for cities and municipalities. Bertelsmann Stiftung Publishing House, Gütersloh 2006, ISBN 3-89204-875-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b IT.NRW: Official population figures ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed April 3, 2016 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.it.nrw.de
  2. Westfälische Nachrichten : Population is approaching the 300,000 mark: Münster continues to grow , Münster, February 6, 2012
  3. a b Westfälische Nachrichten : 300,000 inhabitants are slowly approaching: City of Münster is only growing in the per mil range , Münster, February 22, 2013
    Westfälische Nachrichten : 300,000 inhabitants are approaching: On December 31, 296,536 people lived in Münster / city published new population statistics , Münster, February 22, 2013
  4. City of Münster: Press and Information Office: Münster cracks the 300,000-inhabitant mark , Münster, November 10, 2014
  5. Press release Deutsche Post AG: Postbank study "Housing Atlas 2016 - Living in the City": Where population growth causes prices to rise , published on March 3, 2016, accessed on March 3, 2016
  6. a b c d e f g h Westfälische Nachrichten : Münster is becoming more colorful: Almost every tenth inhabitant does not have a German passport / Most foreigners come from Poland , Münsterischer Anzeiger, Münster, Martin Kalitschke, March 24, 2016
  7. EU foreigners: City of Münster - Office for Urban and Regional Development, Statistics; Source: State Office for Data Processing and Statistics, Central Register of Foreigners, accessed on September 21, 2005
  8. a b City of Münster: Annual statistics 2006  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 1.95 MB)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.muenster.de  
  9. ^ City of Münster - Office for Urban and Regional Development, Statistics; Source: State Office for Data Processing and Statistics, Central Register of Foreigners, accessed on September 21, 2005
  10. State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of December 31, 2006)
  11. City of Münster: Annual Statistics 2008 ( Memento of the original from July 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 3.86 MB), p. 57. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.muenster.de
  12. ^ A b Westfälische Nachrichten : High life expectancy in the Münsterland , front page, Münster, heu, March 31, 2016
  13. City of Münster: Annual Statistics 2014 ( Memento of the original from April 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 3.68 MB), p. 36 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.muenster.de
  14. a b c d e f g h i Westfälische Nachrichten : Münster not great: Seniors do not emigrate en masse , Münster / Seniors, Münster, Günter Benning, March 31, 2016
  15. ^ Münstersche Zeitung : Population statistics 2012: Braked growth , Münster, February 21, 2013
  16. ^ City of Münster: Figures, data, facts for Münster , accessed on June 28, 2012
  17. City of Münster: Annual statistics 2014 (PDF file; 907.81 kB)

Web links

Commons : Temporal population graphs of Münster  - Collection of images, videos and audio files