Ektor Kaknavatos

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Ektor Kaknavatos ( Greek Έκτωρ Κακναβάτος ) is the stage name of the Greek poet and essayist Yorgis Kontoyorgis (Γιώργος Κοντογιώργης; * 1920 in Piraeus ; † November 9, 2010 in Athens ).


Kontoyorgis studied mathematics in Athens from 1937 to 1941 . After the Second World War he worked as a mathematics teacher and later as an official in the Ministry of Education.

His first published work was the Fuga Collection in 1943. It was not until 18 years later, in 1961, that the Diaspora Collection ( dispersion ) was published in a small circle of friends . As a surrealist he explores the paradox of his Greek fate in a poetic and revolutionary way. The Greek Ministry of Culture used his poems in an anthology in English translation. Individual poems have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian and Russian.


  • Fuga (1943)
  • Diaspora (Διασπορά, 1961)
  • I klimaka tou lithou (Η κλίμακα του λίθου, 1964)
  • Tetrapsifio me tin evdomi chordi (Τετραψήφιο ”με την έβδομη χορδή, 1972)
  • Diigisi (Διήγηση, 1974)
  • Odos Laistrygonon (Οδός Λαιστρυγόνων, 1978)
  • Ta machairia tis Kirkis (Τα μαχαίρια της Κίρκης, 1981)
  • Anastixi tou thrylou gia ta nefra tis politeias (Ανάστιξη του θρύλου για τα νεφρά της πολιτείας, 1981)
  • In perpetuum (1983)
  • Kivotio tachytiton (Κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων, 1987)
  • Oiakismoi tou Menesthea Kastelanou tou Mystros (Οιακισμοί του Μενεσθέα Καστελάνου του Μυστρός, 1995)
  • Chaotika I (Χαοτικά Ι, 1997)
  • Ypsikaminizouses neoplasies (Υψικαμινίζουσες νεοπλασίες, 2001)
  • Akarei (Ακαρεί, 2001)
  • Sta proso Iachis (Στα πρόσω ιαχής, 2005)
  • Vrachea ke Makra (Βραχέα και μακρά, 2005)
  • Sfodra airetiko imerologio tou 2000 (in cooperation with Spyros Kaniouras) (1999)
  • To Klarino i Safari sto verso tou pragmatikou (2005)

Work editions

  • Piimata 1943–1974 (Ποιήματα Α΄)
  • Piimata 1978-1987


  • Christina Argyropoulou: Ē glōssa stēn poiēsē tou Ektora Kaknavatou: ē grammatikē, oi leitourgies tēs poiētikēs glōssas kai keimenoglōssologikē analysē merikōn poiēmatōn. (The language in the work of Ektor Kaknavatos. Analysis of grammar and use of poetic words and neologisms.)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ποιήματά του περιέχονται στην ανθολογία Contemporary Greek Poetry, μετ. Kimon Friar, * Athens, Greek Ministry of Culture, 1985