Elías Castelnuovo

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Elías Castelnuovo

Elías Castelnuovo (born August 2, 1893 in Montevideo , Uruguay , † October 11, 1982 in Buenos Aires , Argentina ) was an Argentine journalist and writer.

Castelnuovo came to Argentina with his family around 1900. During his school days he began to work as a freelancer for various magazines and in 1919 he got a permanent job as an editor at the newspaper " La Protesta ". Through this work he soon met like-minded writers and then joined the Grupo Boedo .

In 1931 Castelnuovo accepted an invitation from the Russian Writers' Union and traveled to the Soviet Union for several weeks . Impressed by this trip, Castelnuovo founded the Unión de escritores proletarios in Buenos Aires together with Roberto Arlt in 1931 and the Teatro Proletario the following year .

From 1953 Castelnuovo worked in the editorial department of the magazine "Mundo Perónista".

Ten weeks after his 89th birthday, Elías Castelnuovo died on October 11, 1982 in Buenos Aires, where he also found his final resting place.

Works (selection)

  • Memorias . 1974.
  • Entre los muertos . 1925.
  • Larvas . 1959.
  • Malditos . 1924.
  • Notas de un literato naturalista . 1932.
  • Psicoanálisis sexual y social . 1966.
  • Rusia soviética . 1933.
  • Yo vi en Rusia . 1932.
  • Animas benditas . 1926.
  • En nombre de Cristo . 1927.
  • Los señalados . 1928.
  • Vidas proletarias . 1934.


  • Dieter Reichardt (Ed.): Author Lexicon Latin America . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1992, ISBN 3-518-38828-2 , pp. 27-28.
  • Sylvia Saítta: La dramaturgia de Elías Castelnuovo. Del teatro social al teatro proletario. In: Osvaldo Pelletieri (ed.): Escena y realidad . Editorial Galerna, Buenos Aires 2003, ISBN 950-556-444-9 , pp. 187-195.
  • Lubrano Zas: Palabras con Elías Castelnuovo. Reportaje y antologías . Editorial Perez, Buenos Aires 1969.