Grupo Boedo

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Grupo Boedo was an association of artists, mostly painters and writers from Argentina and Uruguay .

This association emerged in the 1920s and united the various politically mostly left-wing artists. It was named after the Argentine politician Mariano Boedo , who in turn gave its name to the “ Boedo ” district of Buenos Aires , where this group was constituted and lived.

Antonio Zamora founded the publishing house Editorial Claridad SA , which still existed in 2010 , which was initially only intended for the publications of his own group, later other works were also published there.

Members (selection)



  • Leonardo Candiano: Boedo, orígenes de una literatura militante. Historia del primer movimiento cultural de la izquierda argentina . Ediciones del CCC, Buenos Aires 2007, ISBN 978-987-23653-3-2 .
  • Carlos Giordano: Boedo y el tema social . In: Historia de la literatura Argentina . Buenos Aires 1982.

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