El Barrio de Los Hoteles (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

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Barrio de Los Hoteles - Pino de Oro
Casa Quintero

The Barrio de Los Hoteles - Pino de Oro is a listed area ( Conjunto Histórico ) in the western part of downtown Santa Cruz de Tenerife . The district was provisionally entered in September 2005 under the name Ciudad Jardín in the register as Bien de Interés Cultural . When it was finally registered in April 2007, the name was changed to Barrio de Los Hoteles - Pino de Oro at the request of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . In this case, the Spanish term “hoteles” does not mean “accommodation and catering business” but rather stands for “single house”, “villa”.

Development of the district

The Barrio de Los Hoteles - Pino de Oro district is a typical example of a villa colony . The district emerged at the end of the 19th century when citizens of the city, including many of foreign origin who had acquired their fortunes as business people, wanted representative houses for themselves and their families close to the city's economic center. But some of the long-established families who owned the traditional mansions on the Plaza de la Candelaria or the Calle del Castillo had “modern” buildings built in the newly created district. Even if the development plans drawn up by the city administration could rarely be implemented, it is not necessarily an "urban wilderness". A large part of the road was newly laid out shortly before the land was built on or the parks and gardens were planted.

Delimitation of the ensemble

The Plaza de 25 de Julio (Plaza de los Patos) forms the center of the area that was then intended for redevelopment. Within the protected area there are a large number of historically interesting buildings. Some of them were individually listed ( Bien de Interés Cultural, con categoría de Monumento ).

Of particular importance are:

  • The City Hall (Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
  • The former commercial school (Edificio Villasegura)
  • The former English Church (San Jorge)

The Parque García Sanabria is also located in the Barrio de Los Hoteles. The then new development area also extended to an area on the outside of the Rambla de Santa Cruz, which was not included in the "Conjunto Historico".

Structure of the district

Morphologically , the Barrio de los Hoteles forms an almost homogeneous whole. This fact resulted from the very short time in which this part of the city came into being and from the fact that at the beginning only a few architects created the designs for the various houses. The development of the new urban area was done primarily by the "Sociedad de Edificaciones y Reformas Urbanas" (SERU) which existed from 1888 to 1922. The architects of this company largely created designs in the style of eclecticism . The residential buildings can be assigned to two types: the representative “single-family house” with the aim of presenting itself as a palace and the type of the simpler building with two or three floors with several generously designed apartments.

Individual evidence

  1. Consulta a la base de datos de bienes inmuebles. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, accessed November 25, 2012 (Spanish).
  2. ANUNCIO por el que se hace pública la Resolución de 8 de septiembre de 2005, Bien de Interés Cultural, categoría de Conjunto Histórico, Ciudad Jardín ,. (PDF; 99 kB) Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, October 18, 2005, accessed on November 16, 2012 (Spanish).
  3. DECRETO 67/2007, de 2 de April, Bien de Interés Cultural, con categoría de Conjunto Histórico, El Barrio de Los Hoteles-Pino de Oro. (PDF; 3.1 MB) Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, April 13, 2007, accessed on November 16, 2012 (Spanish).
  4. DECRETO categoría de Monumento “Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife”. (PDF; 2.8 MB) Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Cultura y Deportes, June 6, 2008, accessed on November 25, 2012 (Spanish).
  5. ANUNCIO de 25 de octubre de 2004, Bien de Interés Cultural, categoría de Monumento, Edificio Villasegura (Antigua Escuela de Comercio). (PDF; 69 kB) Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, November 11, 2004, accessed on November 16, 2012 (Spanish).
  6. DECRETO 67/2007, de 2 de April, Bien de Interés Cultural, con categoría de Conjunto Histórico, El Barrio de Los Hoteles-Pino de Oro. (PDF; 3.1 MB) Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, April 13, 2007, accessed on November 16, 2012 (Spanish).


  • Alberto Darias Principe: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ciudad, Arquitectura y Memoria Histórica 1500–1981 . Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2004, ISBN 84-89350-92-2 (Spanish).

Web links

Commons : Barrio de los Hoteles - Pino de Oro  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files