El Qubeibeh

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El Qubeibeh
Qubeiba view01 2012-03-17.jpg
View over El Qubeibeh (2012)
Administration : Palastina autonomous areasPalestine Palestinian Territories
Area: West Bank
Governorate : Jerusalem
Founded : 16th Century
Coordinates : 31 ° 50 '  N , 35 ° 8'  E Coordinates: 31 ° 50 '24 "  N , 35 ° 8' 13"  E
Height : 790 m
Residents : 3,321 (2010)
Time zone : UTC + 2
Community type: City (Municipality D)
Mayor : Hasanayn Hammouda
El Qubeibeh (Palestinian Territories)
El Qubeibeh
El Qubeibeh

El Qubeibeh (often just Qubeibeh , after the English transcription Al-Qubeiba , Arabic القبيبة) is a small town in the Jerusalem Governorate , a governorate of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank . It belongs to the B zone in terms of the Oslo II Agreement .

El Qubeibeh is close to the conflicted border with Israel near Ramallah . The Israeli settlement of Giv'on HaHadashah is five kilometers to the southeast ; the cities in the area are Biddu (east), Beit 'Anan (northwest), Qatanna (southwest) and Kharayib Umm al-Lahim (west). The area is rural, hilly and characterized by olive and other trees.


The settlement goes back to the time of the Crusaders (Parva Mahomeria). In the 13th century the place, now under Franciscan supervision, increasingly became the destination of Christian pilgrims as a possible place for the New Testament Emmaus .

Christianity today

The Catholic Church of St. Cleopas is a rebuilt church of the Crusaders and today's monastery church of the Franciscans.

The Beit Emmaus (Haus Emmaus) in El Qubeibeh is also owned by the German Association of the Holy Land , where Salvatorians have been running a nursing home since 1973 and the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, which is subordinate to the Catholic University of Bethlehem , has been located since 2007 . Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was a guest here on May 9, 2017 during his visit abroad . In 2017 the human rights award of the state of Upper Austria was awarded to the house community of Beit Emmaus.

Web links

Commons : Al-Qubeiba, Jerusalem  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
to Beit Emmaus / Salvatorians

Individual evidence

  1. Denys Pringle: The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: LZ (excluding Tire). II. Cambridge University Press 1998. ISBN 0521390370 . S. 167 -9
  2. ^ Röhricht, Reinhold (1893). (RRH) Regesta regni Hierosolymitani (MXCVII-MCCXCI) (in Latin). Berlin: Libraria Academica Wageriana. P. 88 , no 338
  3. Seetheholyland.net, editor: Pat McCarthy
  4. ^ Bethlehem University. Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Qubeibeh Nursing Program on bethlehem.edu
  5. ^ Inaugural visit to Israel and the Palestinian Territories on bundespraesident.de
  6. 2017 Human Rights Prize of the State of Upper Austria awarded to Sister Hildegard Enzenhofer and author Erich Hackl, press release on www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at