Elektra (daughter of Atlas)

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Elektra ( Greek  Ἠλέκτρα ) was a daughter of Atlas and Pleione and thus one of the seven Pleiades . Through Zeus she became the mother of Iasion , Dardanos and Harmonia . According to Servius , however, Iasion was the son of the Italian king Korythos .

The name Elektras is also linked to the Palladion , the image of Pallas Athene revered in Troy . Accordingly, the image of Athena and Elektra would have been thrown over Ilion by Zeus, where Ilos built a temple for it. According to another report, Elektra brought the Palladion to Ilion as a consecration gift.


  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3.10.1, 3.12.1
  2. Diodor The Library of History 5.48.2
  3. ^ Servius commentary on Virgil's Aeneid 1.32.2, 1.384, 2.325, 3.104, 3.167, 7.207. See also Johannes Tzetzes Scholien zu Lycophrons Alexandra 29
  4. Apollodor Library
  5. ^ Scholien zu Euripides ' Phoenissae 1136.