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Iasion ( Greek  Ἰασίων , also Ἰάσιος ) is a son of Zeus and the Pleiad Elektra in Greek mythology . After Hyginus , which refers to Hermippus appeals, he was the son of a mortal named Thuscus. His siblings are called Harmonia and Dardanos .

Demeter fell in love with the young man Iasion at the wedding of Kadmos and Harmonia and surrendered to him in the furrows of a field that had been plowed three times. The fruit of this union is Plutos , the personification of wealth. According to other sources, the connection with Demeter also arose ( Plutos' twin brother?) Philomelos , the inventor of the plow, who was immortalized in the constellation Bootes . Immediately after this act, Iasion was struck dead by Zeus with lightning. In contrast, Diodorus mentions another son with Demeter named Korybas .


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  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3.12.1
  2. ^ A b Hyginus, De astronomia 2.4
  3. Hesiod , Theogony 969 ff.
  4. Homer , Odyssey 5.125 ff.
  5. Diodor, Bibliothéke historiké 5.48.2