Electronic court and administrative mailbox

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Electronic court and administrative mailbox ( EGVP ) is a standard that German courts and other authorities use to transmit messages in a secure and legally binding manner via the Online Services Computer Interface (OSCI) transport protocol . The electronic signature is optionally used in electronic legal transactions .

EGVP software

The judiciary had also developed its own software for the EGVP and made it available for download free of charge, the so-called "EGVP Client" or "EGVP Citizen Client Software". This EGVP software was a Java- based program, the further development of which was discontinued on January 1, 2016 in the course of the changes in access to electronic legal transactions from January 1, 2016 - Law for the Promotion of Electronic Legal Transactions.


The EGVP software is based on the OSCI client Governikus Communicator from Governikus . In all German federal states as well as by the federal government, this software is used by the participating courts, etc.; Nationwide, those involved in the proceedings (e.g. companies, lawyers and notaries) can use it to transmit messages. The areas of application for the EGVP are communication in the dunning procedure and with the commercial register as well as insolvency proceedings. The use of formal electronic communication is an integral part of e-justice projects.

EGVP was originally developed by Governikus KG for secure and legally binding message communication for individual messages. EGVP was and is not designed for mass communication or data exchange between specialist procedures. The communication infrastructure using the German Administrative Services Directory (DVDV) and Online Services Computer Interface -Web Services (OSCI), which has been used successfully for feedback at the registration offices since January 1, 2007, is suitable for communication related to technical processes .


Parts of the generated OSCI message are encrypted to maintain the confidentiality of user data sent via EGVP. For this purpose, among other things, certificate information is requested from the user when each non-anonymous mailbox is created, or a separate software certificate is generated and stored in the directory service. The use of software certificates is usually recommended to resolve problems such as: B. with lost qualified signature cards, to avoid their exchange due to technical or legal changes etc. When a specific recipient is addressed, the public key of his certificate stored in the directory service is used to encrypt the message intended for him. There is no fundamental asymmetric encryption of all data directly with the recipient's public key, but rather the user data itself is encrypted symmetrically with a randomly generated key for reasons of efficiency and only the short key itself is encrypted asymmetrically with the recipient's public key.


The EGVP is an in-house development of the judiciary and should be optimized for the internal communication of the judiciary. This is at the expense of user-friendliness, and acceptance suffers as a result. The Federal Bar Association criticized the fact that the EGVP cannot be integrated into common e-mail programs, but that a separate communication channel is used. Raoul Kirmes criticized the assertion that so-called end-to-end encryption would only be possible via OSCI and pointed out that the principle of double envelope (see OSCI transport protocol ) can also be implemented via email ( SMTP ) . In addition, the judicial-specific problems of delivery can also be solved using the so-called intermediary model in the SMTP protocol. This criticism is now being revived by the De-Mail law and so the federal state commission for information technology in the judiciary decided at the 92nd meeting on November 7th and 8th, 2012 in Erfurt to review the future viability of EGVP.

From September 29, 2016, all lawyers admitted in Germany will receive a special electronic lawyer mailbox (beA). For lawyers, the beA was intended to replace the EGVP client software. The federal-state commission for information technology in the judiciary will decide in May 2018 on the shutdown of the EGVP Classic Client.

The administrative effort can be greatly increased when processing messages in paper form (printout); up to 9 pages of certification documents are attached to each individual message, which expand the court files accordingly. So far, only a few courts have switched to sending messages in this way themselves (e.g. the Frankfurt Social Court , the Kassel Administrative Court and the Federal Administrative Court ).

EGVP citizen client

The EGVP Citizen Client as external access to the EGVP is being replaced by the special electronic lawyers mailbox (beA), the special electronic notary mailbox beN and the special authorities mailbox ( beBPo ). Instead of the EGVP Classic Citizen Client, an online form "WEB-EGVP" is offered with which messages can be sent to the judiciary, but no messages can be received, as well as the Governikus Communicator Justice Edition. Other user groups must use paid OSCI-compatible software.

De-Mail interface

The EGVP of the courts in Germany can also be reached via De-Mail . To do this, the De-Mail address must be created using the “SAFE-ID [email protected]” scheme. The SAFE ID of the dish can be called up via an EGVP client via the menu item "Directory service".

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Electronic court and administrative mailbox - EGVP. Retrieved February 6, 2018 .
  2. ^ Raoul Kirmes: Electronic right-hand traffic in the intermediary model . In: Kommunikation & Recht (K&R), 10/2006, Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft, ISSN  1434-6354 .
  3. beA. Schedule according to ERV law. In: bea.brak.de. 2015, accessed November 1, 2015 .
  4. BT-Drs. 18/898 , answer to question 5
  5. § 78n BNotO, special electronic notary mailbox; Authorization to issue ordinances. Retrieved February 6, 2018 .
  6. ^ Governikus KG: Justice Edition. Retrieved February 12, 2019 .