Elena Seifert

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Elena Seifert

Elena Seifert ( Russian Елена Ивановна Зейферт, scientific transliteration Elena Ivanovna Zejfert , German transcription Jelena Ivanovna Sejfert ; * 1973 in Karaganda , Kazakh SSR ) is a Russian poet, translator, literary critic and journalist. She publishes in both German and Russian.


Elena Seifert comes from Russian Germans on her father's side . She is a graduate of the Philology Faculty of the State University of Karaganda "EA Buketowa" in Kazakhstan, and also worked for 13 years at the university mentioned as a lecturer and lecturer.

In 1999 Elena Seifert studied at the Kazakh State Abai University of Alma-Ata . There she defended her thesis "Жанр отрывка в русской поэзии первой трети века" (Eng . An insight into Russian poetry of the first third of the 19th century ). In 2008 defended Seifert her doctoral thesis ( "Жанровые процессы в поэзии российских немцев второй половины XX -. Начала XXI вв»., Dt Genre processes in the poetry of Russian Germans in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century . ) at Moscow's Lomonosov University .

The German-born poet, who is the author of over 200 academic papers (including monographs and textbooks), is a teacher of theory and literary history of the Latin language. In addition, she has now published numerous journalistic and artistic articles in magazines. Including children's books.

Elena Seifert is a prizewinner at international literary competitions, a member of the International Association of German Culture and editor-in-chief of the Almanac, which annually publishes literary contributions by mainly Russian-German authors (anthologies). She is chairman and jury member of various literary competitions in Russia, Kazakhstan and Germany , member of the editorial team of the magazine AMANAT in Alma-Ata, of the literary anthology The Voices of Siberia based in Kemerovo , Russia.

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Individual proof

  1. Елену Зейферт наградили почетным знаком отличия «Трудовая доблесть. Россия ». Retrieved December 10, 2018 .
  2. ^ Information from the state of Baden-Württemberg on the Russian-German Culture Prize ; queried on October 14, 2017