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Eleos ( Greek  Ἔλεος ) is the personification of compassion in Greek mythology , and Misericordia corresponds to him in Roman mythology .

He had an altar in the Agora of Athens , where refugees sought refuge. The altar may be identical to the twelve gods altar . The better-known of these refugees include Adrastus and the Heraclids , to whom the founding of the altar was occasionally attributed.

According to Pausanias, it was the only place of worship of the deity, but a right-angled altar was found in the temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus , which is also assigned to Eleos in inscriptions. According to Diodorus , the Athenian altar was not the only Eleos altar, but the first.


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Individual evidence

  1. Timocles , fragment 31.
  2. a b Pausanias 1, 17, 1.
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 7, 1.
  4. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 8, 1.
  5. Lucian of Samosata Timon 42.
  6. Flavius ​​Philostratos epistulae 34, 247.
  7. Publius Papinius Statius Thebais 12, 497.
  8. Diodorus 13:22 .