Elfriede Arnold-Dinkler

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Elfriede Arnold-Dinkler (also Arnold) (born December 30, 1906 in Leipzig , † 1980 in Remscheid ) was a German kindergarten teacher and teacher.


She was the daughter of Rudolf Dinkler and his wife Johanna Dinkler, geb. Semm. The father was director of the municipal lyceum and senior lyceum in Remscheid. Her younger brother Erich Dinkler was a theologian and professor of the New Testament. In Remscheid, Dinkler attended elementary school, the lyceum and then the kindergarten teacher seminar. After working as a kindergarten teacher for two years, she entered the Obersekunda of the Remscheid Oberlyzeum in 1928, where she graduated from high school in 1931. Dinkler then studied pedagogy, philosophy, history and German at the universities of Marburg, Heidelberg, Zurich and Jena, where she a. a. Head of the "Working Group of National Socialist Students" was. At the Jena University she did her doctorate in 1938 under Peter Petersen with a thesis on the schooling of "higher" girls' education through educational policy at the turn of the century . During the winter semester of 1934/35 the student was on leave in order to be able to take the youth leader examination at the social pedagogical seminar in Leipzig. From Easter 1934 to January 1, 1938, Dinkler headed the “University Froebel Kindergarten” in Jena, founded by Peter Petersen. She then took over the editing of the specialist magazine Kindergarten , which she held until its dissolution in 1944. When Dinkler took over the journal, it announced the following changes:

Dissertation by Arnold-Dinkler, archived in the Ida-Seele archive
"With the new face, the magazine will try to meet new requirements in terms of its content. In the future, it will primarily take into account the practical work of the kindergarten teacher and youth leader and try to serve the basic attitude in this field of work, which is so important for people's education, from which National Socialism grew: we want to try to see the questions and tasks in this area of ​​life of our people from a healthy, unaffected, humanly real and truthful attitude to life and to solve them in responsibility to the people and leaders ... if it is us If it is to be possible to serve the practice, it is a necessary prerequisite that our essays and reflections grow out of practical work and do not arise at the green table. In the future the magazine will bring more pictures than before. "

After the collapse of the Nazi dictatorship, Arnold-Dinkler moved to Remscheid. There she was mainly active in kindergarten teacher training.

Elfriede Arnold-Dinkler was buried in the Protestant Westfriedhof in Remscheid.

Works (selection)

  • The schooling of "higher" girls' education through educational policy at the turn of the century , Leipzig 1938
  • The kindergarten in German education , in: Wächtler, F. (Ed.): Festschrift for the centenary of the German kindergarten , Munich 1940, pp. 5–9
  • The kindergarten teacher as an educator , in: Kindergarten 1941, pp. 85–87
  • Work assignment and training path of the youth leader , in: Kindergarten 1941, pp. 101–104
  • Employment in kindergarten , in: Kindergarten 1942, pp. 60–65
  • The uniform regulation of the training of kindergarten teachers, in: Kindergarten 1942, pp. 150–152


  • Manfred Berger : "Praise be to everything that makes you hard!" The kindergarten system in National Socialist Germany using the example of the specialist magazine Kindergarten , Saarbrücken 2015, ISBN 978-3-639-83129-0 .


  1. cf. Berger 2015
  2. cit. n. Berger 2015, p. 22