Ida soul archive

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Ida soul archive
Ida soul archive
Archive logo
Category: Research facility / archive
Carrier: Private
Type of research: Basic research
Subjects: Humanities , history , education etc.
Areas of expertise: Women's studies , kindergarten education , social work / education and their related sciences
Management: (voluntary) Corinna Mengeden

The Ida-Seele archive for researching the history of kindergarten and social education / work and its related sciences (ISA) in Dillingen an der Donau deals with the related sciences of curative education , children's and youth literature , education, philosophy and psychology in addition to public education for young children , Law, religion, school pedagogy , sociology, dance, rhythm and body therapy as well as “ women's studies ” and especially Jewish welfare work .

Ida Seele, namesake of the archive


The ISA was founded on October 15, 1993 in cooperation with several educators, educationalists and historians and institutions of social education. In the search for a namesake, the choice fell on Ida Seele , "who was first given the name 'Kindergarten teacher' by Froebel".

The work is carried out on a voluntary basis and in interdisciplinary cooperation with institutions that are committed to women's research, social, diakonia, Caritas, childhood and family history. Partial and fragmentary estates of approx. 1200 personalities, including 1140 women and 60 men from the kindergarten, social education / work, curative education and related sciences related to the academic disciplines mentioned, could be archived through transfer of ownership and collection. These include, for example, Anna Borchers , Rupert Egenberger , Anna Essinger , Friedrich Fröbel , Anna von Gierke , Clara Grunwald , Hannah Karminski , Hilde Lion , Doris Lütkens , Bertha von Marenholtz-Bülow , Maria Montessori , Bertha von Petersenn , Alice Salomon and of course Ida Seele . It is the aim of the ISA to maintain and supplement these sources and to maintain the historical legacy of this group of people.

The archive material includes around 10,000 specialist books, around 1,000 diploma, master's and academic term papers, dissertations, brochures with 3,000 individual publications, training files and materials from social training centers, unpublished texts by important educators and social professions (gray literature), offprints and magazines (e.g. Children's home , kindergarten , Protestant child care ), as well as picture and children's books, play and activity materials since the early days of kindergarten.

There is also a photo library with 6,000 image motifs and around 50 photo albums, especially from social training centers in Augsburg, Berlin, Dillingen / Donau, Freiburg / Br., Heidelberg, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Münster, Nördlingen, Nuremberg, Thale / Harz and Ulm. The archive contains documents from some NSV kindergarten teacher seminars (for example in Friedberg , Steinenhausen Castle near Kulmbach , in Wendefurth in the Harz Mountains, in Bad Buchau or from NS. Kindergarten teachers = seminar of the Reichsgau Wartheland Posen , Waldowstr . 10 ).


Its task is to collect and evaluate materials and documents on the history of the kindergarten, social pedagogy and social work and their related sciences. It documents the beginnings and development of the kindergarten and its predecessor institutions, as well as professional training in social work, social, therapeutic and kindergarten / crèche pedagogy.

In addition to the archival care and indexing of documents, bequests and monographs, exhibitions are put together on individual focal points. As a private archive, the ISA does not receive any funding. As a result, desired materials (books, journals, documents, manuscripts, diploma, master’s theses, etc.) that are suitable for expanding or supplementing the archive holdings can only be included free of charge and research work as well as exhibitions or documentation extremely limited.

Chatting from Ida Seele
Stick puzzle according to Froebel's principles (approx. 1900)

Exhibitions / Documentations (selection)

  • On the topicality of pedagogy according to Mater Margarete Schörl (1912-1991). (1993)
  • Ida Seele - the first Froebel kindergarten teacher in the world. (1994)
  • Women in the service of Friedrich Froebel, the founder of the kindergarten in Blankenburg in Thuringia in 1840. (1995)
  • The picture book : history and development in Germany from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. (1996)
  • Women in the service of Montessori education . (1997)
  • Psychoanalysis and Montessori pedagogy. (1998)
  • Alice Salomon (1872-1948). On the 50th anniversary of the death of the founder of the social women's profession in Germany. (1998)
  • Bertha von Marenholtz-Bülow . A Froebel and kindergarten teacher who has been forgotten. (1999)
  • The kindergarten - main lines of its development in the 19th and 20th centuries. (1999)
  • Social work and its history - From the beginning to the end of the 20th century. (2000)
  • For the 150th birthday of Ida von Kortzfleisch (1850–1915) - A woman in the service of girls / women education. (2000)
  • "Froebel's Ida". On the 100th anniversary of the death of Ida Seele , the first Froebel kindergarten teacher in the world. (2001)
  • Clara Grunwald and Emmy Bergmann . Two Jewish sisters in the service of Montessori education. (2002)
  • Henriette Schrader-Breymann : A life in the service of girls' education and kindergarten. (2003)
  • "Education to become a ready-to-use member of the community as well as to become a racially healthy and capable individual."
  • Care, upbringing and education in the public education of young children from 1933 to 1945. (2003)
  • Kindergarten educational place in the past and present. (2004)
  • Upbringing in family and kindergarten during the Nazi dictatorship. (2005)
  • The kindergarten is a “union of the female sex”. Women in the service of the kindergarten. (2006)
  • Jewish welfare in the mirror of selected women's biographies. (2005 to 2010)
  • Bravo BRAVO . A success story of over 50 years of the largest youth magazine in the German-speaking area. (2006 to 2009)
Fröbel's Mutter- und Kose-Lieder , freely edited by Therese Focking
  • 100 years of Montessori education. (2007 to 2010)
  • On the 75th anniversary of Martha Muchow's death - psychologist, educator, forerunner of class-specific socialization research. (2008)
  • “I wanted to continue working as a missionary for social work and a social philosophy among young women.” Alice Salomon & Co. Classics of social work. (2008)
  • On the history of educator training in Bavaria. (2009)
  • Eleonore Heerwart ( 1835-1911 ). On the 100th anniversary of the Froebel pedagogue's death. (2011)
  • Life and work of Jewish educators before and after 1933. (2012)
  • Friedrich Froebel's toys and activity materials. (2012)
  • Clara Grunwald (1877–1943): A life for children and Montessori education. (2013)
  • Female networks of social / socio-educational work from the end of the 19th century to 1933. (2013)
  • Pioneers of the modern social sciences: Marie Bernays , Rosa Kempf , Käthe Mende and Rose Otto . (2014)
  • Hilde Lion - A Life in Germany and in Exile in England. (2014)
  • “Come, let's live our children!” 175 years of kindergarten. (2015)
  • Froebel's mother and kose songs and their arrangements. (2015)
  • Classics of public education for young children: Anna Borchers , Clara Grunwald , Angelika Hartmann , Eleonore Heerwart , Erika Hoffmann , Johanna Huber , Bertha von Marenholtz-Bülow , Hanna Mecke , Thekla Naveau , Henriette Schrader-Breymann , Mater Margarete Schörl , Ida Seele and Nelly Wolffheim . (2015)
  • Classics of German-speaking curative / special education. (2015)
  • Life and work of the Froebel and kindergarten teacher Erika Hoffmann (1902–1995) - with special reference to the years 1933–1945 and 1945–1949. (2016)
  • Charlotte Dietrich (1887–1976). A forgotten pioneer of social work with a focus on the social women's school in Berlin during the Nazi dictatorship (2016)
  • 'Humans, be human, love the children, their amusements, their games'. More or less known men and women who shaped the public education of young children. (2016)
  • What children need are ideas . Mater Margarete Schörl (1912–1991) - A life for kindergarten. (2017)
  • Mimi Scheiblauer (1891-1968) - pioneer of rhythmic-musical education . (2018)
  • 25 years of the Ida Soul Archive (2018)


Publications based on documents from the ISA (selection)

  • Manfred Berger : Women in the history of kindergarten. A manual. Frankfurt am Main 1995.
  • Ders .: Alice Salomon. Pioneer of social work and the women's movement. Frankfurt am Main 1998.
  • Ders .: Henriette Schrader-Breymann . Life and work of a pioneer in girls' education and kindergarten. Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • Ders .: Clara Grunwald. Pioneer of Montessori education. Frankfurt / Main 2000.
  • Ders .: women in social responsibility. Series (at irregular intervals) in: Our youth , specialist journal for study and practice in social pedagogy, 2006 ff.
  • Ders .: Series (2 life pictures per year) about the life and work of important curative pedagogues in: , specialist journal of the professional association of curative pedagogues (BHP) e. V., 1998 ff.
  • Ders .: Leading women in social responsibility. Series (every two months) in: Christ und Bildung , magazine of the Catholic Educational Community Germany, 1989 to 2005.
  • Ders .: Life and work of important men and women in experiential education. (at irregular intervals) in: Zeitschrift für Erlebnispädagogik , 1989 ff.
  • Ders .: Frieda Stoppenbrink-Buchholz . A pioneer of modern experiential education? Lueneburg 2001.
  • Ders .: Bertha von Petersenn. A pioneer of modern experiential education? Lueneburg 2008.
  • Ders .: pioneers of early childhood and after-school education. Series (since 2014): in: Irmgard M. Burtscher (Ed.): Handbook for educators in crèches, kindergartens, day care centers and after-school care centers. Munich 2014 ff. (So far, biographies by Clara Grunwald , Aloys Fischer , Martha Muchow , Erika Hoffmann , Margarete Schörl and Eleonore Heerwart have been published.)
  • On the other hand: "Everything with the people, everything through the people, everything for the people." Kindergarten and upbringing for small children in the Soviet Zone / GDR 1945–1990. Saarbrücken 2014.
  • Ders .: The kindergarten from 1840 to the present day. A (fictional) letter to Friedrich Froebel on the 175th birthday of his preschool institution. Saarbrücken 2015.
  • On the other hand: “Praise be to everything that makes you hard!” The kindergarten system in National Socialist Germany demonstrated using the example of the specialist magazine “ Kindergarten ”. Saarbrücken 2015.
  • Ders .: The history of the kindergarten - stages of public education for small children in Germany, from the beginning to the present. In: Irmgard M. Burtscher (Hrsg.): Handbook for educators in crèche, kindergarten, daycare and after-school care. Munich 2015 (issues 81, 82 and 83).
  • Ders .: History of the kindergarten. From the first pre-school facilities in the 18th century to day care centers in the 21st century , Frankfurt / Main 2016.
  • Ders .: From the child detention center candidate to the educator. A contribution to the history of educator training in Bavaria - shown using the example of selected training centers in the past and present , Göttingen 2017.
  • Ders .: Life and work of Froebel and kindergarten teacher Erika Hoffmann (1902-1955). A biographical-pedagogical sketch , Göttingen 2018.
  • Ders .: The kindergarten during National Socialism. A contribution to the history of public early childhood / kindergarten education in the years 1933 to 1945 , Göttingen 2019.


  • E. Heerwart: Introduction to the theory and practice of the kindergarten. Leipzig 1901.
  • M. Berger: The Ida Soul Archive. In: KiTA - KinderTageseinrichtungen aktuell, Bavaria edition 1992 / H. 11, pp. 192-193.
  • M. Berger: The Ida Soul Archive. In: Theory and Practice of Social Pedagogy , 1994 / H. 6, p. 357.
  • M. Berger: The Ida Soul Archive. In: The Archivist, 1994 / H. 2, pp. 340-341.
  • M. Berger: Women in the history of the kindergarten. A manual. Frankfurt am Main 1995, p. 16.
  • M. Berger: Ida soul archive. In: G. Franz, G. Lange, F.-J. Payrhuber (ed.): Children's and youth literature. A lexicon, Meitingen 1995-2007. 14th result. February 2002, pp. 1-5.
  • Franz-Michael Konrad: The kindergarten. His story from the beginning to the present. Freiburg im Brsg. 2012, pp. 308-309.
  • Manfred Berger: Ida Soul Archive. In: Irmgard M. Burtscher (Hrsg.): Handbook for educators in crèche, kindergarten, daycare and after-school care center, edition 72, Munich 2013, pp. 1–8.

Individual evidence

  1. Heerwart 1901, p. 9.

Web links

Commons : Ida-Seele-Archiv  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 35 ′ 2.3 ″  N , 10 ° 30 ′ 1.8 ″  E