Hanna Mecke

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Hanna Mecke (born March 28, 1857 in Lingen ; † May 11, 1926 in Norderney ) was a German kindergarten teacher and Froebel teacher.

Hanna Mecke

Live and act

Johanna Ottilie Wilhelmine was the oldest of four children. After attending the simple community school , she completed a secondary school for girls in Verden an der Aller. Since she had to contribute to the maintenance of the family, Hanna Mecke worked as a housemaid and kindergarten nurse , later as a kindergarten director and private educator. After her father's death in 1876, she returned to the family, which had since moved north . There she founded and ran a private kindergarten. A few years later, Hanna Mecke completed a kindergarten teacher training at the Dresden Froebel Foundation, founded and managed by Bertha von Marenholtz-Bülow , and also passed the teacher examination in Hanover in 1889 .

In 1890 she took over the management of a newly founded educational institution for kindergarten teachers in Emden , which was soon affiliated with the Evangelical Diaconal Association. In 1903 Hanna Mecke, who joined the Evangelical Diakonie Association in 1895 , set up a training center in Kassel called the Froebel seminar . Her creation, which she directed until 1912, quickly developed into one of the leading training centers for kindergarten teachers in northern Germany. In her educational institution she taught and developed the pedagogical concept of the standard material : I introduced the “standard points” - to enable uniform work in the sense of Froebel - that is, I put a “standard material” at the center of all activities, movement games, songs and stories .

Hanna Mecke was a staunch Froebel epigon. About Friedrich Froebel , the importance, the meaning and purpose of the kindergarten, she noted:

In the kindergarten, however, 'Froebel' also offers children a foster home, where everything should flourish that cannot develop naturally and simply in the child in the family, be it through ignorance, selfishness, pampering, poverty or wealth: where, under God's protection and care, experienced educators, children are to be brought up as germs and members of humanity in harmony with themselves, with God and nature, where the powers that God has given with fatherly love are to rise to him through 'doing'. Bringing joy should be the primary task of the kindergarten, and the experienced psychologist sees this joy as a driving force of the best kind, which is presented in the form of play .
Sang and sound in children's life, Bamberg 1913

In retirement, Hanna Mecke continued to support kindergarten and Froebel pedagogy. She taught u. a. young girls and women in education and psychology, was active as a specialist writer and in the German Froebel Association .

A path was named after her in Lingen. The training center she founded in Kassel still exists today.

Fonts (selection)

  • Froebel's ideas in their influence on educational and social reality. Bamberg 1909.
  • Froebel's gifts and occupations in their value as play, work and teaching aids. Bamberg 1910.
  • Friedrich Froebel's path and life's work. Bamberg 1910.
  • Why do we need kindergartens and daycare centers? Bamberg 1910.
  • Singing and sound in children's life. Bamberg 1913.
  • Vocational guidelines for women's schools, kindergarten and youth leader seminars and seminars for young teachers. Bamberg 1913.


  • Manfred Berger : Forgotten women of social education. Bielefeld 1992, pp. 12-20.
  • Manfred Berger: Women in the history of the kindergarten. Frankfurt am Main 1995, pp. 132-136.
  • Manfred Berger : Mecke, Johanna Ottilie Wilhelmine , in: Hugo Maier (Ed.): Who is who of social work . Freiburg: Lambertus, 1998 ISBN 3-7841-1036-3 , p. 387f.
  • Kristina von Wurmb: Hanna Mecke and her contribution to the German kindergarten system and German Froebel pedagogy. unpublished diploma thesis, Munich 2002.
  • Manfred Berger:  Mecke, Johanna (Hanna) Ottilie Wilhelmine. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 20, Bautz, Nordhausen 2002, ISBN 3-88309-091-3 , Sp. 1005-1010.
  • Michael Dorhs: Hanna Mecke (1857-1926). The founder of the Froebel seminar. In: blickkontakt, community letter service of the Evangelical Church Kurhessen-Waldeck , year 2007, issue 2, p. 12.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cit. n. Berger 1995, p. 133
  2. Mecke 1909, p. 8
  3. Froebel seminar , accessed on January 23, 2016.