Elio Filippo Accrocca

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Elio Filippo Accrocca (born April 17, 1923 in Cori ; died March 11, 1996 in Rome ) was an Italian poet and translator. He is considered one of the most important Italian poets of the years after 1945.


Accrocca studied literature at La Sapienza University in Rome, where he was a student of the poet Giuseppe Ungaretti . In 1947 he finished there with a thesis on the poetry of the Resistance . In the years after the war, Accrocca became the center of a circle of young writers and painters, most of whom were former students of Ungaretti. The circle was called Gruppo di Portonaccio and Portonaccio was also the title of Accrocca's first volume of poetry from 1949, to which Ungaretti wrote a preface.

From the beginning, Accrocca's themes were a view of human existence that was close to Italian neorealism , a representation of the hardships of life in war, in the barracks and in the poor suburbs. Formally, he broke new ground and used techniques such as text collage, including political slogans and newspaper texts in his poems. Aside from the hardships of existence, a constantly present theme in his poetry was the city of Rome, where he lived his entire life. The difficult moments in his biography also found their way into his poems: the loss of his mother when he was 8 years old, the destruction of the family home in the bombing of the San Lorenzo district in 1943, then the death of his only son Stefano, who was only with 18 years in 1973 he died in a motorcycle accident and the memory of which he dedicated the volume Il superfluo (1980), and finally the death of his wife, whom he lost through illness.

Since 1977 he has taught art history at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Foggia , of which he also became director. In addition, he worked many times as an author of literary and artistic magazines, including La Fiera Letteraria , Critica d'oggi , Poesia e Arte and Contrappunti . Together with Cesare Vivaldi he edited the Quaderni del Canzoniere and Piazza Navona , with Raffaello Brignetti and Franco Fano the Quaderni di Piazza Navona and he was a columnist for numerous newspapers, including Il Paese , Il Lavoro , Momento Sera , La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno , Avanti! , Il Gazzettino , and has also appeared on television.


  • Portonaccio. Preface by Giuseppe Ungaretti . All'insegna del pesce d'oro, Milan 1949.
  • Caserma 1950. Quaderni del Canzoniere, Rome 1951.
  • Reliquia umana. All'insegna del pesce d'oro, Milan 1955.
  • Ritorno a Portonaccio. Mondadori, Milan 1959.
  • Innestogrammi-Corrispondenze. Rebellato, Padova 1966.
  • Del Guardare in faccia. De Luca, Rome 1969.
  • Europe inquieta. "I Tormargana", Rome 1972.
  • Paradigm. Poems with French translation by Arthur Praillet. Origine, Luxembourg 1972.
  • Roma so. Foreword by Mario Petrucciani. Text by Salvatore Quasimodo . De Luca, Rome 1973.
  • Due parole dall'al di qua. Foreword by Mario Petrucciani. Lacaita, Manduria 1973.
  • Siamo non siamo. Preface by Giorgio Petrocchi. Rusconi, Varese 1974.
  • Versi mignotti. Il Blocchetto, Rome 1975.
  • Bicchiere di carta. Quaderni di Piazza Navona, Rome 1977.
  • Il discorrere delle cose. With 10 graphics by Ida Gerosa, Rome 1978.
  • Il superfluo. Preface by Sergio Antonielli. Mondadori, Milan 1980.
  • Scultogrammi. With five etchings by Alba Gonzales. Rome 1981.
  • I binari di Apollinaire. Quaderni di Piazza Navona, Rome 1982.
  • Pesominimo. Piovan Editore, Abano Terme, 1983.
  • Treangoli. With two etchings by Walter Piacesi. Ediz. Ca 'Spinello, Urbino 1983.
  • Videogrammi della prolunga. Lucarini, Rome 1984.
  • Baggage. Quaderni di Carte d'Europa, Il Ventaglio, Rome 1984.
  • Esercizi radicali. Bastogi, Foggia 1984.
  • Trans Europe. Introduction by Cosma Siani. Dutch translation by N. Morina-Oostveen. Euroeditor, Luxembourg 1984.
  • Segni / Stagioni. Trifalco, Rome 1985.
  • Copia difforme. Introduction by Dino Carlesi. Giardini, Pisa 1986.
  • Contromano. Editrice Nuova Fortezza, Livorno 1987.
  • Forse arrivi forse partenze. Introduction by Antonio Errico. Ediz. Il Laboratorio, Parabita 1988.
  • Poetry. La distanza degli anni (1942-1987). Poetry collection. Newton Compton, Rome 1988.
  • Un fagotto di carta. Tacchi Editore, Pisa 1991.
  • Lo sdraiato di pietra. Collection of poems, Newton Compton, Rome 1991.
  • Linea di condotta, (poetry 1942-1990). Introduction by Riccardo Scrivano. Edited by Angelo Bellettato. Edizioni dei Dioscuri, Sora 1991.
  • Epi-anagrammi. Newton Compton, Rome 1993.
  • Nella zona inquieta. Published by Pasquale Cominale. Ed. Centro Studi e Relazioni Culturali ERRE 80 di Caserta, Caserta 1994.
  • Un fagotto di carta & un po 'd'inchiostro e altre poetry. Edited by Carmine Mario Mulière. EA Edizioni d'Arte, Rome 1999.
  • Mihai Beniuc: La vita dalla vita. With Dragos Vranceanu. Edizioni Rapporti Europei, Rome 1962.
  • Eugen Jebeleanu: Il sorriso di Hiroshima e altre poesie. With Dragos Vranceanu. Guanda, Parma 1970.
  • Damjan Damjanow : Prima che venga l'autunno. Bulzoni, Rome 1985.
  • Lijubomir Lelvcev: La ronda notturna. Bulzoni, Rome 1986

Web links

Wikiquote: Elio Filippo Accrocca  - Quotes (Italian)