Elisabeth Ficker

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Elisabeth Ficker (* 28. July 1941 in Eisenstadt as Elisabeth Wallner ) is a former Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and state official. From 1995 to 2000 she was a member of the Burgenland Landtag .

education and profession

After elementary and secondary school, Ficker completed the office school, in 1984 she graduated from evening school with the Matura. Before that, she worked from 1959 to 1961 as an employee of a law firm and was then an official of the Burgenland provincial government. In 1994 she was appointed senior official. In 2001 Ficker retired as a civil servant in the Burgenland Provincial Government.


In the political field, Ficker became active as local women chairwoman of the SPÖ-Eisenstadt and municipal councilor from 1982, and in 1985 she took over the office of city councilor. In addition, Ficker was SPÖ district women chairwoman of the Eisenstadt district and from 1987 SPÖ district chairwoman deputy. Furthermore, from 1979 Ficker became involved as a member of the provincial executive committee of the ÖGB- Burgenland, was deputy chairwoman and parliamentary group leader of the women's department of the public service union and, from 1986, deputy chairman of the provincial personnel committee at the office of the Burgenland provincial government. From June 22, 1995 to December 28, 2000, Ficker was a member of the Burgenland Landtag; in 2000, Ficker resigned from her position as municipality and city councilor for Eisenstadt, as well as her function as city and district parliamentary group chairwoman or deputy district chairwoman. In 2001 she also resigned as a staff representative and deputy staff representative.

Ficker has been chairwoman of the ÖGB Pensioners Committee Burgenland and deputy chairwoman of the ÖGB Federal Pensioners Committee since 2004.


  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Volume 2: (1945–1995) (= Burgenland Research. 76). Burgenland State Archives, Eisenstadt 1996, ISBN 3-901517-07-3 .
  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Volume 3: (1996-2001) (= Burgenland Research. 84). Burgenland State Archives, Eisenstadt 2001, ISBN 3-901517-29-4 .

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