Elisabeth Wondrack

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Elisabeth Wondrack , married Elisabeth Wondrack-Malik (* 1943 in Graz ) is an Austrian prompter and theater manager ( Graz street theater and Graz children's and youth theater ).

life and work

Elisabeth Wondrack was born in Graz in 1943. After her school education, which she successfully completed with the Matura , she began to study German and history . She also got her diploma in “Acting” at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts Graz . Shortly after graduation, their daughter, their only child, was born, which is why Wondrack spoke out against a permanent engagement and thus against a professional acting career. Instead, she only played occasionally in small roles and was mainly active as a prompter at the Schauspielhaus Graz from 1973 . Although she has been retired for several years, she continues to work as a prompter today (as of 2018) and is considered the longest-serving prompter at the Schauspielhaus. Since 2011 she has also appeared as a works council member of the Schauspielhaus Graz. In addition, she took over the management of the Graz street theater, which he founded in 1971, from Walter Tomaschitz . In addition, she has been the artistic director of the Graz Children's and Youth Theater for 38 years , where, like the Graz street theater, she occasionally appears as a theater director . On November 20, 2010 she was voted "Styrian of the Day" by the Styrian edition of the Kleine Zeitung . Wondrack now lives in an apartment in Graz-Gösting .

Web links

Footnotes & individual references

  1. Elisabeth Wondrack-Malik on wir-fuer-martina.at, accessed on November 26, 2018
  2. a b c Die gute Bühnenfee , accessed on November 26, 2018
  3. Elisabeth Wondrack on theaterderzeit.de, accessed on November 26, 2018
  4. The exact year of the takeover cannot be given. The official website of the Grazer Street Theater says "... for over ten years ..." and the Kleine Zeitung assumes that it has been in charge of "... for 40 years ..." .