Elke Fleing

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Elke Fleing

Elke Fleing (born November 16, 1959 in West Berlin ) is a German management consultant and non-fiction author.

She advises start-ups and small and medium-sized companies , is a copywriter , online editor , web designer and works as a moderator and seminar leader. She lives in Hamburg.

Life and work

After graduation in Hanover studied Elke Fleing few semesters Jura , the compartment and closed a substitute teacher training from the second state examination. She then worked for 15 years as a music manager , music publisher and tour organizer in her own company and led seminars for musicians. During this time, the first version of her book "Live is Life - Fit for the Music Business" was written. In the following two years she completed further training as a web designer and worked for a year as a key account manager for a digital printing company.

Since 2001, Elke Fleing has been building up her own company again, advising start-ups and small and medium-sized companies on their positioning and corporate communication. She has been writing articles in the online magazine deutsche-startups.de since 2011.

Elke Fleing is a member of the copywriting network TextTreff.

Publications (selection)

Web links