Ellen Corver

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Ellen Corver is a Dutch pianist.

Corver studied at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with Else Krijgsman and Naum Grubert . Here she met Karlheinz Stockhausen in 1982 , with whom she often worked in the following years. She traveled with his ensemble to Brazil, England, Portugal, Denmark, played his music at festivals and gave master classes on his music. She also played the piano concertos by György Ligeti and John Cage and worked with the Hungarian composer György Kurtág . In 1998 she made her debut with the Concertgebouw Orchestra in a piano concerto that Klaas de Vries had composed for her.

In addition to contemporary music, Corver also plays the classical repertoire. With orchestras such as the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest , the Radio Kamerorkest and the Residentie Orkest , she has performed a. a. Piano concertos by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , Ludwig van Beethoven , Béla Bartók and Maurice Ravel .

In addition to the solo pianist, she also appears in a piano duo with Sepp Grotenhuis and is a member of the Osiris Piano Trio . Since 1992 she has been a piano teacher at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague.