Magpie Tangare

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Magpie Tangare
Magpie Tangare

Magpie Tangare

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Tangaren (Thraupidae)
Subfamily : Thraupinae
Genre : Cissopis
Type : Magpie Tangare
Scientific name of the  genus
Vieillot , 1816
Scientific name of the  species
Cissopis leverianus
( JF Gmelin , 1788)

The Elstertangare ( Cissopis leverianus ) with a body length of 28 centimeters, a great representative of the family of tanagers .


These birds have mostly blue-black plumage, except for the white belly and a few spots on the underside of the tail. The wings are black and white. The beak is black and the legs are gray in color. The two sexes do not differ in the color of the plumage.

distribution and habitat

The Magpie Tangare occurs in the north of South America, its southern limit of distribution is in Brazil and the northeast of Argentina . This species inhabits the local rainforests and scrubland as well as areas used for agriculture and forestry, but occurs in the mountains up to an altitude of 2000 meters.

Way of life

In small groups of up to five specimens or in pairs, they roam the middle floors of the tree in search of insects and berries.


The female usually lays two eggs in an open nest, which is created in trees or bushes. The brood is done by the female alone and this takes between 12 and 18 days. After that, the young are cared for by both adults in the nest for up to 3 weeks.

Hazards and protective measures

Due to its wide distribution and because no endangerments are known for this species, the IUCN classifies this species as ( Least Concern ) harmless.


  • The great world empire of animals Publisher: Planet Media AG, Zug 1992, page: 374,375 ISBN 3-8247-8614-1
  • David Burnie (Ed.), Mariele Radmacher-Martens: Animals: The large picture encyclopedia with over 2,000 species. Translated from the English by Gabriele Lehari. Dorling Kindersley, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-8310-2232-8 , p. 386.
  • Christopher M. Perrins (Ed.): The FSVO encyclopedia birds of the world. Translated from the English by Einhard Bezzel. BLV, Munich / Vienna / Zurich 2004, ISBN 978-3-405-16682-3 , pp. 628-631 (title of the English original edition: The New Encyclopedia Of Birds. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003).

Web links

Commons : Magpie Tangare ( Cissopis leverianus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files