Emil Clemens Scherer

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Emil Clemens Scherer (born May 1, 1889 in Mutzig ; † August 30, 1970 in Mallersdorf ) was a German clergyman.


He attended the episcopal grammar school in Strasbourg and the private grammar school in Hiltrup . In 1907 he completed the novitiate with the Sacred Heart Missionaries for 4 months . From 1910 to 1914 he studied theology in Strasbourg. On August 4, 1914, he was ordained a subdeacon , on August 5, 1914, he was ordained a deacon at 6 a.m. and a priestly ordination at 8 a.m. (exception rule because of the outbreak of war). From 1914 to 1919 he was a medic in Silesia . From 1917 to 1919 he was a pastor in Barr . From 1919 to 1922 he studied in Breslau and Bonn (1922 Dr. theol.). In 1930 he became head of the mission work for Catholic Germans living abroad in Berlin. He was arrested by the Gestapo on October 1, 1936. In 1939 he emigrated to Brazil (co-founder of a large settlement in North Paraná with the capital Maringá). In 1956 he returned to Europe as the parish dean. On October 4, 1956, he entered the Metten Monastery as a choir oblate . The clothing took place on January 10, 1957 . The oblation took place on March 1, 1958. On October 10, 1959, he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class. He was buried on September 2, 1970 in the new west cemetery of the municipality of Metten. On April 4, 1978 he was reburied in the Metten convent cemetery.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Strasbourg bishops in the investiture dispute. A contribution to the Alsatian church history . Bonn 1923, OCLC 631933672 .
  • Sister Ignatia Jorth and the introduction of the Sisters of Charity in Bavaria. For the centenary of the Sisters of Mercy from the Motherhouse in Munich on March 10, 1932 . Cologne 1932, OCLC 162204063 .
  • Brazil. An overview . Munich 1955, OCLC 632972447 .
  • History and Church History at German Universities . Hildesheim 1975, ISBN 3-487-05895-2 .