Emili Guanyavents i Jané

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Emili Guanyavents i Jané

Emili Guanyavents i Jané , often also Emili Guanyabens i Jané (* 1860 in Barcelona ; † 1941 ibid), was a Catalan typesetter as well as a poet and translator of French poetry into the Catalan language. In 1899, Guanyavents wrote the text of the current Catalan national anthem Els Segadors .

life and work

As a teenager, Guanyavents was heavily involved in both literature and politics in the movements of the Catalan Renaixença and political Catalanism . In October 1880 he took part in the first Catalan Congress. Until the early 1890s he published numerous articles on this cultural movement in the magazines Diari Català , La Tramontana , La Veu del Center Català and L'Avenç . His new text based on the old Catalan folk song Els Segadors won the writing competition organized by the Unió Catalana for a new Catalan national anthem in 1899 , but it also generated huge discussions. In 2011, the Barcelona musicologist Jaume Ayats contradicted this "late dating" of the hymn text to 1899, which is widespread in the literature, and pointed to 1897 as the year of the so-called "political text" of the hymn.

At the same time, Guanyavents, like numerous other Catalans of the time (e.g. Serafí Pitarra , Lluís Millet , Antoni Gaudí ), came into contact with the emerging anarcho-syndicalism due to his job as a typesetter. He tried for himself to reconcile anarchic internationalism with his Catalanism. In 1881 he took part in the founding event of the Federació Regional del Treball d'Espanya ( FRTE , Regional Federation of Spanish Workers) in the Teatre Circ of Barcelona. In 1881 he was a co-founder of the La Solidaria union . This was created by splitting off from the Societat Tipogràfica , whose original member was Guanyavents as a printer. In 1885 he took part in the first socialist competition of the Center d'Amics de Reus . He worked on the magazine La Luz by the philanthropist and free thinker Rossend Arús .

In the 1890s, Guanyavents increasingly distanced himself from the ideas of anarcho-syndical internationalism. In contrast, he remained loyal to the Catalan cultural movement, especially as a writer. He published volumes of poetry such as Alades (1897), Voliaines (1903), Trasplantades (1910, translations of contemporary French poetry into the Catalan language) in the style of Joan Maragall and the French symbolists . In 1888 he took part in the Barcelona Jocs Florals and won the Flor Natural , the red rose, first prize. He worked as a proofreader for the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, in particular on the publication of the literary works of Narcís Oller and Ignasi Iglésias .


  • Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana: Emili Guanyavents i Jané. Retrieved February 11, 2019 (Catalan).
  • Diccionari biogràfic del moviment obrer as Països Catalans: Emili Guanyavents i Jané. Retrieved February 12, 2019 (Catalan).
  • PEN Català: Guanyavents i Jané, Emili. Retrieved February 14, 2019 (Catalan).
  • Jaume Ayats: Els Segadors. De cançó erótica a himne nacional. In: L'Avenç . Barcelona 2011, p. 86 f .
  • Florian Grafl: Remembered violence? The Catalan folk song Els Segadors and its role in the radicalization of Catalan nationalism at the beginning of the 20th century . In: Michael Fischer, Tobias Widmayer (Hrsg.): Lied und popular Kultur / Song and popular Culture. Yearbook of the Center for Popular Culture and Music . 59th year 2014. Waxmann Verlag, Münster, New York, ISBN 978-3-8309-3184-3 , pp. 95 ff . ( google.de ).

Web links

Wikisource: Emili Guanyavents i Jané  - Sources and full texts

Individual references and comments

  1. a b c Diccionari biogràfic del moviment obrer as Països Catalans.
  2. Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  3. The person described had changed the spelling of his surname to the latter form.
  4. a b c Paragraph after: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  5. Jaume Ayats, 2011.
  6. Florian Grafl, 2014.