Emmi Wöbbeking

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Emmi Wöbbeking (born March 13, 1900 in Hanover ; † after 1965) was a German operetta singer ( soubrette ) and actress whose main place of work was Hanover.


The Mellini-Theater in Hanover, stage of the operetta singer Wöbbeking;
Postcard no. 847 , Karl F. wonders , circa 1905

Emmi Wöbbeking received private singing training. She made her stage debut in the 1920/21 season at the Stolp City Theater ( Słupsk ) in Pomerania . In the 1922/23 season she was engaged at the Duisburg City Theater (United City Theater Duisburg-Bochum), and then at the Stettin City Theater in the 1923/24 season.

Further engagements followed in Hanover (1924/25 season), at the Stadttheater Cottbus (1925/26 season), at the Schwerin State Theater (1926–1929) and at the Kiel City Theater (1929–1931).

In the 1931/32 season she was engaged in Magdeburg . In 1932 Emmi Wöbbeking appeared "[...] with a blond wig" in Paul Abraham's operetta Die Blume von Hawaii in the central theater in the role of Bessie Worthington as the governor's niece.

In the years 1933 and 1934 she was then a member of the Berlin Nollendorf Theater in the summer months. In 1934 and 1935 she was in Bad Nenndorf near Hanover, then again engaged in Hanover in the 1935/36 season. She worked as an operetta singer in the Mellini Theater in Hanover. She was one of the artists who had an enduring friendship with the operetta tenor Walter Jankuhn and his wife "Tutti" ( Karin , née Ahrens ). As a singer and actress, Wöbbeking can still be found in Hanover during the war years (including in the German Stage Yearbook 1942).

After the Second World War , Emmi Wöbbeking continued to live in Hanover, where she occasionally performed. She also celebrated her 65th birthday in Hanover.


Archival material

Archives by and about Emmi Wöbbeking can be found, for example

Individual evidence

  1. Compare the information in the Lower Saxony archive information system
  2. Corner: The Flower of Hawaii / Central Theater (PDF document), in: Volksstimme . Daily newspaper of the Social Democratic Party in the administrative district of Magdeburg , Volume 43, No. 45 from February 22, 1932
  3. oV : operettas Legend "Walter Jankuhn" / Berlin 20 / 30s / colleagues, friends, fans on the side walter.jankuhn.2fix.de , last downloaded 10 December 2016