Emmy Moor

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Emmy Moor (* 1900 ; † 1979 ) was a Swiss journalist ( SP ).


Moor is known for her social reporting. Moor was a court correspondent for the nation from 1939 to 1943 before she was replaced by Trudi Weber in 1944 . What she had in common with her was that they both approached "the columnist court report ", "not least because they let their own feelings (fear, pity, indignation, ridicule, sadness) flow into the text".

She also wrote for the magazines Zeitdienst , Genossenschaft and the Berner Tagwacht .

Her most famous writing is The Courtroom Speaks .


  • Emmy Moor: The courtroom speaks. Zurich: Artemis-Verlag 1944
  • Annetta Bundi , Andi Jacomet: You can find that in Switzerland!” Social reports in the “Nation” 1939–1952 . Thesis at the Institute for Media Studies at the University of Bern. June 1997, Emmy Moor: The Tireless Advocate for the Workers, p. 100–107 ( jacomet.ch [PDF; 678 kB ; accessed on February 8, 2013]).

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Individual evidence

  1. Annetta Bundi, Andi Jacomet: “There is that in Switzerland!” Social reports in the “Nation” 1939–1952. University of Bern, 1997, p. 52.
  2. ^ Federation of Yugoslav Journalists (Ed.): Review of International Affairs . No. 282-305 (?) , 1962, pp. xlv .
  3. OCLC 37872046