Enalioi dialogoi
Enalioi dialogoi ( Greek : Ενάλιοι διάλογοι; Latin : Dialogi marini; conversations with the gods of the sea) is the title of a collection of 15 dialogues by Lucian of Samosata . In these dialogues, sea deities, river gods and winds appear in conversation with one another over episodes of Greek mythology .
The dialogue partners at a glance
- Doris and Galateia
- The Cyclops and Poseidon
- Poseidon and Alpheios
- Menelaus and Proteus
- Panope and Galene
- Triton , Amymone and Poseidon
- Notus and Zephyros
- Poseidon and Dolphins
- Poseidon and Nereids
- Iris and Poseidon
- Xanthos and Thalassa
- Doris and Thetis
- Enipeus and Poseidon
- Triton and Nereids
- Zephyros and Notus
- Luciani Samosatensis opera . Ex recognitione Caroli Iacobitz, Vol.I. Editio stereotypa. Teubner, Leipzig 1921
- Luciani Opera. Edited by Matthew Donald MacLeod. Four volumes. Oxford Classical Texts . Clarendon, Oxford 1972-1987
- Lukian. Works in three volumes . Edited by Jürgen Werner and Herbert Greiner-Mai . Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin and Weimar 1974 (translation by Christoph Martin Wieland ), 2nd edition 1981
- Lukian: Conversations of the Gods, Sea Gods, Dead and Hetaera. Based on Christoph Martin Wieland, translated and edited by Otto Seel . Reclam, Ditzingen 1987. ISBN 978-3-15-001133-1