Endless space

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Endless space
Studio Amplitude Studios
Publisher Iceberg Interactive
July 4, 2012 (Steam), August 24, 2012 (Shop version)
platform Windows , Mac OS
Game engine Unity
genre Turn-based strategy game , 4X
Subject Science fiction, space colonization
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard
system advantages
  • Windows 7 / Vista / XP
  • Core 2 Duo processor or comparable
  • 256 MB DX9 compatible graphics card
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 2 GB hard disk space
  • Internet connection for multiplayer
medium DVD-ROM , download
language German
copy protection Steamworks
Age rating
USK released from 6
PEGI recommended for ages 7 and up

Endless Space is a computer game from the publisher Amplitude Studios from 2012. It is a turn-based space strategy game . The sequel Endless Space 2 was released in 2017.


In Endless Space , the player chooses one of nine unique civilizations or creates his own and, in the role of ruler, leads them as an intergalactic empire to victory over the other nations in the battle for the galaxy in the year 3000. This is accomplished by achieving the pre-determined victory conditions, which can include economics, diplomacy, or military superiority, for example.

At the beginning of a new game, a galaxy with space for a total of up to eight players or AI opponents is randomly generated using a large number of selectable parameters. After choosing the race (or creating your own based on many defining properties) the players then colonize different solar systems, each of which can contain up to six planets. Individual star systems with several solar systems in them are connected to one another by wormholes, which means that ships can quickly reach neighboring systems. The rounds are completed for all players at the same time after each one of them has completed all desired actions (administration, troop movements, research etc.) and completes the turn, a year passes and a new turn begins.

Research is possible on four different property trees; research can be in the fields of military, science, exploration, and diplomacy / trade. The research results obtained in this way have an impact on the fleet (new types of ships, larger capacity, higher military power), improve the infrastructure (more options for planet management, bonuses for heroes, better travel options, discovery of luxury goods), enable interactions between other players (trade , diplomatic relations) and fuel the development of the galactic empire.

The concept of "WIND" represents the four basic resources in the game, namely science, industry, food and dust (the game currency). Dust is a relic of the eponymous Endless, an ancient race that ruled the universe before the species living today. The right balance of WIND in the player's systems enables large-scale expansion of the empire. At the same time, the player must pay attention to the satisfaction of his citizens, which in turn can affect the ejection of resources, low satisfaction reduces efficiency, high satisfaction increases it enormously. A slider for the degree of taxation can also influence the generation of dust .

The recruitment of hero units gives the players the advantage of being able to station them either on planets or in space fleets, which, depending on the hero's rank and function, results in bonuses for the respective task. These are recruited by means of Dust, which entails a wage to be paid per hero per round. Through experience in the assigned task, the hero rises in level, which not only increases the wages, but also unlocks new skills and bonuses. Initially three heroes are available, these can be increased in their maximum possible number through research.

Space battles between fleets are fought using the rock-paper-scissors principle using trading cards that represent individual tactics. The battles consist of long-range, medium-range and close-range combat, with a card being played for each phase in order to counter the opponent's move and thus influence the damage and defense of your own fleet. The battle can either be calculated automatically or carried out manually, which enables the player to animate the battle and view it in real time through a cinematic camera perspective.

Victory conditions optionally include expansion (conquer 75% of the universe), science (research the last research tree), economy ( earn a certain amount of Dust ), diplomacy (survive with a minimum of states of war with other players), superiority (conquer all other home planets) , Achievement (building the Infinites Imperium upgrade five times) or simply getting the highest score.

The game can be played in single player with AI opponents or in multiplayer mode with friends or other players.

Release and DLCs

Endless Space was released for pre-sale on Steam on May 2, 2012 , with pre-orderers getting access to the alpha and beta versions of the game. They could also actively contribute to the development. The official sales start was on July 4th, 2012. On August 24th, 2012, the shop version was released as Emperor Space Edition , which also includes a poster, an artbook, the soundtrack, a skin pack and a hero.

So far, the following free download content (DLC) has been released:

  • The Rise of the Automatons
  • Echoes of the Endless
  • Lights of Polaris
  • Virtual awakening

and a paid one:

  • Disharmony


Web links


  1. Metacritic rating
  2. IGN Review
  3. Gamespy rating
  4. GameStar test