Energy highway

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Energy motorway is the name of the project idea to generate electrical energy for electromobility ( cars , trucks and buses ) where it is needed, on the motorway.

The energy required for this could be sustainably obtained from renewable sources (sun and wind) without the necessary expansion of solar and wind power plants colliding with other land uses and with landscape protection .

The idea for this was first developed in 2008 by columnist Martin Unfried . 2010 was the SPD - politician and president of the association " Euro Solar " Hermann Scheer in a study the feasibility of using the example of the A7 motorway investigate.

The study authors identified locations for the lighthouse project where large wind turbines could be set up. There would also be photovoltaic systems . According to the study, the investment volume would amount to 7.5 billion euros.

A similar project will be implemented in Finland by 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Energy Highway | FOCUS magazine | No. 2 (2013) | Monday, January 7, 2013, 00:00 Marie Aichagui, Michael Odenwald
  2. Martin Unfried's personal website on the subject of the energy highway
  3. The longest wind farm in the world. | From Füssen to Denmark: Why the solar efficiency revolution must have the longest and largest.
  4. The Energieallee A 7 - thinking bigger, communicating more aggressively. | The acceleration of the expansion of renewable energies needs a national lighthouse and a communication offensive with the A 7
  5. Leuchtturmprojekt_A7_Text.pdf Dr. Hermann Scheer | President of Eurosolar | Use renewable energies on a large scale - Energieallee A 7 .
  6. Finland: Energy highway under construction