Enric Marco

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Enric Marco (* 1921 in Barcelona ) was president of the Spanish concentration camp survivor organization Amical de Mauthausen y otros campos de concentración from 2001 , but had to resign in May 2005 when a research report by the Spanish historian Benito Bermejo revealed that essential dates of his biography were found , which concerned his alleged imprisonment in the Mauthausen and Flossenbürg concentration camps , were fake.

In his 1978 autobiography Memorias del infierno ("Memories of Hell") and in numerous public lectures, Enric Marco gave detailed descriptions of camp life and the atrocities endured there. However, as he admitted after the research report became known, this and his claim to have joined the Resistance were fictitious. Also, he did not fall into the hands of the Gestapo in 1943, as claimed, but signed up as a volunteer in 1941, when Franco sent skilled workers to the German war industry at Hitler's request, and then worked at the Deutsche Werke shipyard in Kiel until 1943 .

Enric Marco was temporarily a member and even (when he called himself Enrique Marcos ) general secretary of the anarchosyndical union CNT .

The exposure of Enric Marco's fraud is seen by some deniers of the Holocaust as evidence that the entire Holocaust was invented , along with other known cases of fraud such as that of Binjamin Wilkomirski or Antonio Pastor .


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