Distance plant street

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The road distance works ( EWS for short ) is a database of road distances. These distances are used, for example, as a basis for calculating tariffs in truck traffic. EWS can also be used for other applications in which the road distance plays a role. It covers Europe to the Urals and is often integrated with billing and ERP systems. The database is updated once a year.


The road distance work consists of a location file and a distance matrix. This distance matrix is in the form of a triangular matrix , similar to the distance tables that can be found in atlases or other printed maps. EWS contains distances from around 550,000 locations in Europe to one another. Due to the large number of existing locations, several geographically coherent locations are combined into one node . The locations are assigned to the nodes using the shortest road distance, taking into account any obstacles such as rivers or highways. In Europe, the locations are mapped to around 10,000 nodes in Europe. When creating the EWS, the road distances from all nodes to each other are calculated and stored in the distance matrix. In the location file, the node number of the node to which the location is connected is stored for each location.

To determine the distance, the starting point and destination are selected from the location file. The specified node numbers are also the indices for the distance matrix . The node with the smaller value determines the column, while the node with the larger value determines the row. The distance can therefore be read from the matrix using the indices at the specified position.

Areas of application

The road distance tool is mostly used to calculate distance kilometers in long-distance truck traffic. Shipping companies and large companies usually integrate the distance matrix into their own systems and software environments (such as ERP systems from SAP , Oracle, etc.). Because of the ASCII character encoding with the DOS character set , it can be read very easily on almost all platforms. Forwarding agents can thus calculate their transport costs and negotiate prices based on the EMS. Because of the stored distance values, the kilometer information is comparable and understandable.


EWS is available in the versions EWS Germany, EWS Germany Maut, EWS Austria Maut, EWS Europe and EWS Europe Plus. EWS Germany Maut and EWS Austria Maut are special features. These contain the same distances, but only add up the lengths of the road segments that are marked as subject to toll in the underlying road network . Here, too, due to the node structure and the use of a proprietary road network, there are deviations from the toll distance , which is issued by the BASt (Federal Highway Research Institute).

System requirements

The data are in ASCII format; Therefore, EWS can be used in all stand-alone or existing IT -based information systems or databases (such as ERP systems from SAP, Oracle and. ä.) on almost all platforms ( Windows , Unix , Linux ) are integrated.


Until it was abolished in 1992, the long- distance freight transport tariff (GFT) was the legally binding calculation basis for transport services by forwarding agents in truck traffic.

Development and sales

EWS was established by PTV AG , the Federal Central Road Traffic Association (BZG), Dr. Malek Software and DST Dresden developed. EWS is sold from different sides under different conditions:

  1. Dr. Malek Software sells EWS Road Removal Tool integrated into software.
  2. The Road Traffic Association (SVG) focuses on the distribution of the raw data set to end customers.
  3. EWS can be purchased from DDS Digital Data Services with an end-user or developer license. Upon sale, a license letter is issued, which ensures the correct status of the data and confirms the contractually secured licensing .

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