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The term emasculation is on the one hand a narrowing of the term castration , but also in a more comprehensive sense than castration associated with a penectomy , i.e. removal of the penis.

Castration and penectomy of a Chinese eunuch of the Qing Dynasty of the 19th century.
Farinelli with his friends - Rococo painting , oil on canvas by Jacopo Amigoni around 1750–1752, National Gallery of Victoria . From left to right: Pietro Metastasio , Teresa Castellini, the castrato singer Farinelli and Jacopo Amigoni .


While “emasculation” as an outdated medical term stands for the castration of men with the removal of the male gonads , castration itself is a gender-neutral term and is therefore also applicable to women when the female gonads are removed.

Mythology, history, psychology

On the other hand, the emasculation of the man is more than a castration, especially since it often includes the forcible removal of the penis - as in Uranos and Agdistis in Greek and Phrygian mythology - as a more or less comprehensive disempowerment - or in the case of Agdistis, also as a change understand is.

Emasculation is often mentioned in the ancient writings. According to some ancient authors, for example Ammianus Marcellinus , the mythical figure of Queen Semiramis was the first ruler to introduce eunuchs to the court.

In order to preserve the boy's voice, children were castrated, and castrato singers were employed in the papal choir of the Sistine Chapel until the beginning of the 20th century .

In terms of depth psychology , the man with the emasculation has to forego everything that concerns his “property” and his claims to power.


The emasculation as a punishment occurs in two versions in older law. It served both as a ritual preparation for the death penalty, but was also used independently as a mutilating corporal punishment , for example in the case of adultery . According to Frisian law in the case of the theft of cult objects, Sal-Franconian law in the event of misdemeanors by servants and theft after confession and in the case of sexual offenses ( rape, intercourse with another maid ).

In "sodomy", ie sexual acts with animals or homosexuality , Free were also punished by castration (so to Visigoth, Norwegian and Friesian Send right ).

For emasculation as serious bodily harm, according to the Leges Barbarorum, a fine up to the amount of wergeles had to be paid.

In the Middle Ages emasculation was a rare punishment, but it occurred as a mirror punishment for crimes against morality ; the Sachsenspiegel does not know the emasculation.

With the amendment to the penal law of 1933, the law against dangerous habitual criminals and measures of security and reform of November 24th also introduced the possibility of forced castration ("emasculation") according to §§ 42a No. 5, 42k StGB. The regulation ceased to exist on February 4, 1946.


Individual evidence

  1. See Peter Browe: To the story of the emasculation. Religious and legal history studies. Breslau 1936. page 2
  2. Hans von Hentig : Die Strafe, I: early forms and cultural-historical connections. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1954, p. 391.
  3. See for example Werner Schneider: Die Entmannungen in Mainfranken in the years 1934–1936. Medical dissertation Würzburg 1937 (= writings from the racial political office of the NSDAP at the Gauleitung Mainfranken on the Dr. Hellmuth Plan. Volume 14).
  4. ^ Arno Buschmann: National Socialist World View and Legislation: Documentation of a Development , Springer, Vienna / New York 2000, p. 170
  5. Criminal Code for the German Empire of May 15, 1871. Historisch-Synoptische Edition. 1871-2009, http://delegibus.com/2010,1.pdf , pp. 180, 193.