Decisions of the higher administrative courts

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The decisions of the higher administrative courts (OVGE) are a collection of higher court decisions of the higher administrative court for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Lower Saxony higher administrative court .

Since 1961, the OVGE has also printed an irregular selection of decisions by the Constitutional Court for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Lower Saxony State Court .

The OVGE has been published since 1951 by the members of the courts as a secondary activity . Decisions from 1949 onwards are taken into account. Since the Upper Administrative Court in Lüneburg was also responsible for Schleswig-Holstein until the establishment of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Administrative Court , corresponding decisions are also valid until 1991 included in the OVGE.

The OVGE have been published by Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt published in Cologne , previously at Aschendorff Verlag in Münster .

In addition to the printed decisions, each volume has a directory of the judges of both higher administrative courts, a directory of abbreviations, a "systematic directory" that distinguishes between procedural law , substantive administrative law and constitutional and state law , a register of laws and an index .

Analogous to similar collections of decisions, it is common to cite the sequence “Abbreviation, volume, page number” - for example “OVGE 52, 416” (= volume 52, page 416).

See also

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