Epagneul de Pont-Audemer

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Epagneul de Pont-Audemer
Epagneul de Pont-Audemer
FCI Standard No. 114
1.2 ' Spaniel ' type
Origin :


Alternative names:

Pont Audemer Spaniel

Withers height:

52-58 cm


Not fixed

List of domestic dogs

The Epagneul de Pont-Audemer is a French dog breed recognized by the FCI ( No. 114, Gr. 7, Sec. 1.2 ) .

Origin and history

The breed originated in the Normandy / Picardy area at the end of the 19th century . The name comes from the town of Pont-Audemer in Normandy. Its ancestors were believed to be the Irish Water Spaniel and a native breed of long-haired pointing dog . The goal was a dog that was suitable for water work. However, due to his other ancestors, it turned out that he was also very suitable for hunting in open terrain. Typical of a water dog, he has the Persian-like, ruffled, slightly oily fur that hardly allows water to get to the skin.

Brief description

The Epagneul de Pont-Audemer is a medium-sized, stocky dog ​​of up to 58 cm with an unmistakable appearance: a typical water dog. His hair is typically frizzy like a perian, slightly tomentose, oily, preferably chestnut brown or chestnut brown interspersed with gray. The ears are flat, set a little deep, leaving the cheeks free; covered with long and strongly curled silk hair, which merges into the forelock and forms a beautiful, curled wig that frames the head well.


The Epagneul de Pont-Audemer is insensitive, tolerant and playful. He loves the water in every season. He can be trained well.


The Epagneul de Pont-Audemer is a good hunting dog for the water and for the open field and is also used as a family dog.

Web links

Commons : Epagneul de Pont-Audemer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files