Ephraim Schröger

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Ephraim Schröger , Polish Efraim Szreger (* 1727 in Thorn ; † August 16, 1783 in Warsaw ) was a German architect in Poland .


Schröger began his apprenticeship with the architect Johann Sigmund Deybel in 1743 . After Deybel's death in 1752, he became the personal conductor Joachim Daniel von Jauchs , the director of the Saxon building authority in Warsaw . After his death in 1754 Schröger was employed by the Saxon building authority with the same salary as he had received personally from Jauch - 300  thalers annual salary. As a result, Schröger received private construction contracts from Polish clients. When the building authority was dissolved in 1764, he was supposed to be kept at half the salary as the oldest conductor on duty, but quit the service at the end of 1764. 1765–1767 he went on a study trip to France and Italy . If his earlier works can be attributed to the Rococo , he has since been considered the main representative of the early classicist style in Poland.

Church of St. Joseph (paintings of Warsaw to Bernardo Bellotto gen. Canaletto 1780)
Tepper Palace Warsaw


  • Completion 1754–1763 (facade and interior) of the Church of Saint Joseph (also: Visitantinnen Church ) in Warsaw, the sculptures, stucco work, the pulpit and the main altar were made according to the design by Schröger in the workshop of Johann Georg Plersch - of the few completely preserved churches in Warsaw
  • 1754/55 old town church in Thorn
  • 1755 Lelewel Palace on Miodowa Street in Warsaw
  • 1760 facade of the Church of the Dominican Observants
  • 1761/65 Archbishop's Palace in Skierniewice
  • 1765 Kordega (guard) of the Potocki Palace in Warsaw
  • 1772–1774 Szuster Palace
  • 1774 Tepper Palace in Warsaw
  • 1777 Prymasowski Palace in Warsaw


  • Walter Hentschel: The Saxon architecture of the 18th century in Poland . Berlin 1976, 2 volumes, especially volume 1 (text volume) p. 8off with further references. and illustrations
  • Stefan Łoza: Architekci i budowniczowie w Polsce . Warsaw 1954
  • Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki . nr 6, 1961 r., pp. 153-60
  • A. Świechowska (Ed.): Katedra gnieźnieńska. T. I-II. Poznań 1968–70
  • Stanislaw Lorent: Efraim Szreger. Architect polski XVIII wieku . Warszawa 1986, ISBN 83-01-05938-9