Ansell's epaulette bat

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Ansell's epaulette bat
Superordinate : Laurasiatheria
Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Family : Fruit bats (Pteropodidae)
Tribe : Epaulette bat (Epomophorini)
Genre : Epomophorus
Type : Ansell's epaulette bat
Scientific name
Epomophorus anselli
Bergmans & van Strien , 2004

Ansell's epaulet bat ( Epomophorus anselli ), also Ansell's epaulette bat , is a flying fox of the genus Epomophorus , which is endemic to Malawi .


Distribution area

Only a few specimens are known of the Ansell's epaulette bat. The weight is about 70 g, the forearm length of males is on average about 77 mm, of females about 66 mm. The fur is light sand-brownish. The sexual dimorphism shows, among other things, in size and weight: the males are heavier and larger than the females. In addition, only the males have the so-called epaulettes, i.e. white fur on the shoulders, which can be set up and presented for courtship. These white tufts of fur are not visible during periods of rest; they can be pulled back into special pockets.


So far the species is only known from Malawi, the specimens collected come from the Kasungu National Park . The range could be larger than expected and extend to neighboring countries, but further research is needed.

Way of life

Nothing is known about the ecology of Ansell's epaulette bat, the specimens were collected in Miombo forests , the known sites are at 1000 to 1100 m altitude.


Originally E. anselli was seen as an isolated population of the Ethiopian epaulette bat ( E. labiatus , first under E. anurus ). Due to morphological differences, E. anselli has been classified as a separate species since 2004 . The specific epithon honors the zoologist William Frank Harding Ansell , who researched the fauna of Malawi.


The data situation is inadequate for a risk assessment by the IUCN (“data deficient”).


Web links

Commons : Ansell's Epaulette Bat ( Epomophorus anselli )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Monadjem et al. (2010). Pp. 80-81
  2. Victor Van Cakenberghe & Ernest CJ Seamark (eds.): ACR. 2016. African Chiroptera Report 2016. African Bats . 2016, ISSN  1990-6471 , p. 65-66 .
  3. a b Epomophorus anselli in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2016.3. Posted by: T. Mildenstein, 2016. Retrieved January 15, 2017.
  4. ^ Wim Bergmans & Nico J. Van Strien: Systematic Notes on a Collection of Bats from Malawi. I. Megachiroptera: Epomophorinae and Rousettinae (Mammalia, Chiroptera) . (PDF) In: Acta Chiropterologica . 6, No. 2, 2004, pp. 249-268. doi : 10.3161 / 001.006.0205 . Retrieved January 15, 2017.