Earth X (Marvel)

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Earth X (in the English-language original Earth X ) is the name of an initially three-part comic epic, which was published by Marvel Comics , published in Germany by Panini Verlag and splits up the individual parts Earth X , Universe X and Paradise X. The work, which appeared in 1997, is based on drawings by Alex Ross (comic book artist) and John Paul Leon for the Marvel universe , the text was written by Jim Krueger .


Well-known characters that appear in this work include the Fantastischen Vier , Hulk and Captain America . This multitude of well-known characters also led to a particularly great success in the United States . The entire action takes place in a future in which the so-called Plague X gives all humans mutant powers . In general, the future of well-known comic heroes, as well as the question of the death of superheroes, the prehistory of Uatus and the question of the possibility of a mutation of people are discussed.

First part (Earth X)

Aaron Stack ( Machine Man ) wakes up and receives the order from Uatu to depict his eye from now on because he, the observer of mankind, went blind. Now Aaron Stacks sees the history of mankind from the records of Uatu, here you can also find the first large collection of well-known heroes, but they are not the protagonists of this prologue, but only characters in the development of world history. In addition to this story within the development of the world, a second storyline is established on a universal level.

In the course of the series it turns out that all earthly superheroes got their powers through the manipulation of the primitive man by the Celestials. Celestials are god-like beings who need planets for reproduction. An embryo of the Celestials is slumbering in the earth . The mutated humanity should protect this embryo from danger as "antibodies" of the world without their knowledge. At the end of the series, the embryo is destroyed by Galactus, the Celestials' mortal enemy. He was summoned by Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four.

Part Two (Universe X)

With the destruction of the embryo in the earth's interior, the global climate changes. A conflict begins between humans and humans who mutated from the disease X. Meanwhile, Mar-Vell was born again as a child and with the help of Captain America is about to collect powerful objects on earth in order to defeat "death". At the end of the series, death is defeated, so that from now on no more people will die. Mar-Vell begins building a paradise.

In a different storyline, the Absorbing Man is reassembled and devastates New York. But in the end he is convinced to sacrifice himself to bring the world back on track.

It turns out that the Celestials had manipulated many worlds and that those manipulations went so far that the mutants became shape shifters. At this level of mutation, beings were formed by the thoughts and stories of others. So the devil Mephisto and the sir are only formed beings. So the devil only became the devil through the superstition of the people and the sir were formed by Odin, who was really a human.

Third part (Paradise X)

After defeating Death, a big problem arises: on earth nobody can die anymore and many, many inhabitants have to suffer endless torments. The heroes of the earth unite to question Mar-Vell's plans for the world.

Published in German

The Earth X saga was published in Germany by Marvel Germany ( Panini Verlag ).

Earth X appeared in eight volumes, numbered 0 through 7. In addition, a stockbook with sketches and drafts came out. Earth X appeared from February to September 2000. In August 2001, the series was published as an anthology within the Marvel Exclusive Special series .

Universum X also appeared in eight volumes (0–7). There were then five special editions that dealt with the fate of individual heroes. Universum X was published from April to November 2001. Universum X Omnibus was a special edition for the Comic Action 2001 comic fair in October .

Paradise X came out in two edited volumes. The first appeared in September 2003 and the second in January 2004.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Review of the cultural magazine Parnassus
  2. Report of the German Comic Guide about Earth X
  3. Report about Earth X on