Eric Voegelin Library

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The Eric Voegelin Library is the private library of the political scientist and philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901–1985) and at the same time a research center for the history of ideas at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg .


To person

The political philosopher Eric (actually Erich ) Voegelin, born in Cologne in 1901, is considered to be one of the most prominent newer representatives of a historically-hermeneutically oriented theory of politics in a comparative civilization perspective. After many years of academic activity in Vienna, Hans Kelsen's former assistant emigrated to the United States in 1938, also for political reasons, where he again taught at various universities and published his most important works ( Order and History and The New Science of Politics ). From 1958 to 1969 he returned to Europe to accept a position as professor for political science at the University of Munich . After his return in 1969 to the United States he worked until his death in 1985 at the  Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace of  Stanford University .


After Eric Voegelin's death, his widow, Lissy Voegelin, appointed the political scientist Jürgen Gebhardt to be the manager of her husband's private library or his academic teacher, so that the entire library was moved from Stanford to Bavaria at his university. Since then, the Institute for Political Science at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg has kept and supervised the Eric Voegelin Library and operates a. a. an intellectual history research center that includes the library.


The private library, which is extremely encyclopedic, contains around 5,000 books and reprints with a focus on philosophy and religious studies. In addition to the published complete works, the Voegelin Library also has around 100 microfilms with the manuscripts and typescripts of the scholar, some of which have not yet been published - still archived in Stanford - as well as his extensive correspondence with leading scholars of the time, especially those from the emigre milieu. The filmed archive material is made accessible through an online register.


The Eric Voegelin Library is located at the Institute for Political Science of the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and is looked after by this scientifically and antiquarian. The holdings are made accessible through a card catalog and an electronic database. They are available to interested researchers for scientific purposes.

Coordinates: 49 ° 35 '58 "  N , 11 ° 0' 50.7"  E

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