Erich (Havelberg)

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Erich (Latin Ericus ; † after November 23, 1028) was the third recorded bishop of Havelberg from 1008 to 1028 .


Erich had been involved in the issuing of documents as a clerk in King Heinrich II's office since 1006 . In 1008 he was mentioned as archbishop chaplain at the death of Bishop Hilderich von Havelberg . Erich followed this soon after as the new bishop of Havelberg and was consecrated by Archbishop Tagino of Magdeburg . Erich never exercised his office as bishop in Havelberg, as the area was under Slavic rule. He stayed in different places, especially probably more often in Magdeburg .

In 1009 Erich was present at the death of the Merseburg bishop Wigbert and participated in the consecration of his successor Thietmar . In 1012, at the request of the king, he was present at the election of the new Magdeburg Archbishop Waltard , then at his consecration and imminent death. Erich conveyed the name of the new candidate Dietrich, elected by the cathedral chapter, to the king, who however appointed Gero as the new archbishop. That year, Erich was named as the scribe in a royal charter.

In 1013 Erich stayed at an imperial assembly with the king in Grona , in 1016 in Dortmund , presumably also at the synod there, and when the monastery of Our Lady in Magdeburg was founded. In 1017 Erich stayed with the king in Magdeburg, then in his army camp near Leitzkau .

In 1019 he was in Goslar , probably also at the synod, and this year was the last time he was involved in the issuing of a royal certificate from Heinrich II. When the Basel minster was consecrated , he was soon named bishop and custodian of the imperial chapel (imperialis cappellae custos ). With the death of the king in 1024 at the latest, Erich probably lost his positions at court.

In 1025 he was probably involved in the issuing of a royal certificate for the diocese of Verden . Erich was named as the most important witness for this diocese in an undated document, and he is said to have helped Bishop Wigger with the acquisition of relics. Erich was not at the General Synod in Frankfurt in 1027 and was last mentioned on November 23, 1028 on the occasion of the consecration of several altars in Verden Cathedral .


Web links

  • Erich personal database Germania Sacra

Individual evidence

  1. 1025 January 18 Hildesheim Regesta Imperii III, 1 n.16
  2. NLA ST Rep. 2, No. 11 Archives in Lower Saxony
predecessor Office successor
Hilderich Bishop of Havelberg