Erich Rother

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Erich Rother (born August 25, 1908 in Triebes , † October 25, 1983 in Greiz ) was a German painter.


After attending elementary school and then working in his father's business from 1927 to 1929 in Zeulenroda, the son of a retailer learned the profession of decorative painter . In 1932 Erich Rother founded a painting business in Triebes. In addition to his work as a master painter, he devoted himself to self-taught artistic work, which was characterized by a strong inclination towards local landscape painting . After military service and imprisonment (1940 to 1945), the painting business reopened in 1946. In addition, Erich Rother developed his artistic skills through intensive painting.

In 1961 he was recognized as a freelance artist. His pronounced love of nature found its visible expression primarily in small and large-format landscape pictures with motifs from the immediate vicinity. The paintings made him known far beyond the city limits and abroad. Art dealers exhibited the work in Zeulenroda, Greiz , Reichenbach im Vogtland , Saalfeld and other cities. His sudden death on October 25, 1983 tore him from the heart of his work.