Erich von Siegfried

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Erich von Siegfried (born April 22, 1859 in Karben , East Prussia ; † January 15, 1935 ibid) was a German manor owner and administrative lawyer in East Prussia.


Erich von Siegfried studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg and the University of Leipzig . In 1878 he became active in the Corps Normannia Königsberg and the Corps Guestphalia Leipzig . He was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD. In 1910 he was appointed provisional, and on March 15, 1911, he was finally appointed district administrator in the Heiligenbeil district. After the November Revolution, he resigned on December 31, 1919. For the German National People's Party he represented the constituency of Königsberg 6 (Heiligenbeil) in the provincial parliament of the province of East Prussia from 1919 to 1921 .


  • Klaus von der Groeben : Administration and Politics 1918–33 using the example of East Prussia , 2nd, expanded edition. Lorenz von Stein Institute for Administrative Sciences at Christian Albrechts University, Kiel 1988, p. 503.

Individual evidence

  1. a b List of members of the East Prussian Provincial Parliament (Korfmacher)
  2. a b District of Heiligenbeil (
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 90/21; 92/214.