Erik Eloe Andersen

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Erik Eloe Andersen (born August 15, 1902 in Næstved , † January 2, 1980 in Gentofte ) was a Danish cyclist and national champion in cycling .

Athletic career

He was a participant in the 1924 Summer Olympics in road cycling . The year before he had won the Nordic time trial championships ahead of the eventual world champion Gunnar Sköld . In the Olympic year he became Danish road racing champion . In 1925 he won one of the most prestigious races in Denmark with the Fyen-Rundt . In 1926 he won the team pursuit at the Nordic Championships with Orla Jørgensen in the team. He won Sjælland Rundt in 1927.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cycling stars. In: Retrieved July 17, 2020 .