Erio Tosatti

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Erio Tosatti (born November 9, 1943 in Nonantola ) is an Italian theoretical solid-state physicist.

Tosatti came from a farming family and first attended a technical school in Modena and then studied physics at the University of Modena with a degree in 1967. He then continued his studies at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, where he studied magna cum laude in 1970 with Franco Bassani received his doctorate. His dissertation dealt with the optical properties of semiconductors, using dispersion relations as in high-energy physics, which was the subject of his thesis in Modena. As a post-doctoral student he was at the University of Rome La Sapienza and at the University of Cambridge , where he met Philip Warren Anderson in 1972/73 , at the University of Stuttgart with Hermann Haken and in 1977 at Stanford University with Sebastian Doniach . In 1977 he was invited by Abdus Salam to set up the group for solid state theory at the ICTP in Trieste. In 1980 he also became a professor at the newly founded International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste. From 2002 to 2003 he was director of the ICTP. In 2014 he retired.

In 1984/85 he spent a sabbatical year at the IBM laboratory in Rüschlikon, where he worked with Karl Alexander Müller and Heinrich Rohrer .

He dealt with a very wide range of topics in theoretical solid state physics. Most recently, he has dealt with friction at the nano-level, metallic and magnetic nanocontacts (including Kondo transport anomalies), Mott insulators and unconventional superconductivity in fullerenes and molecular conductors, electronic correlations on semiconductor surfaces (similar to two-dimensional metals), physics at very high levels Pressure. He predicted the berry phase in fullerenes.

In 2001 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society , in 2006 a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei , in 2012 a member of the Istituto Lombardo and in 2011 an external member of the National Academy of Sciences . In 2018 he received the Premio Enrico Fermi and in 2005 the Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics from the American Institute of Physics and in 1997 in Como the The Francesco Somaini Triennial Physics Prize . In 2012 he received an ERC Advanced Grant.

Fonts (selection)

  • with PW Anderson: Two-dimensional excitonic insulators: Si and Ge (111) surfaces, Solid State Communications, Volume 14, 1974, pp. 773-777
  • Charge and spin-density waves on semiconductor surfaces, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 381, 1974, Suppl. 2, pp. 381-388.
  • Electronic superstructures on semiconductor surfaces, and layered transition metal compounds, in: Festkörperprobleme 15, Vieweg 1975, p. 113
  • with A. Selloni a. a .: Voltage-dependent scanning tunneling microscopy of a crystal surface: Graphite, in: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Kluwer 1985, pp. 168-171
  • with F. Ercolessi, M. Parrinello: Au (100) surface reconstruction, Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 57, 1986, p. 719
  • Editor with Luciano Pietronero: Fractals in physics, North Holland 1986
  • with F. Ercolessi, Michele Parrinello : Simulation of gold in the glue model, Philosophical Magazine A, Volume 58, 1988, pp. 213-226
  • with F. Ercolessi, W. Andreoni: Melting of small gold particles: Mechanism and size effects, Physical Review Letters, Volume 66, 1991, p. 911
  • with J. Kohanoff a. a .: "Solid Molecular Hydrogen: The Broken Symmetry Phase, Physical Review Letters, Volume 78, 1997, pp. 2783-2786, Arxiv
  • with gülseren u. a .: Noncrystalline Structures of Ultrathin Unsupported Nanowires, Physical Review Letters, Volume 80, 1998, pp. 3775-3778
  • with S. Serra u. a .: Pressure-Induced Solid Carbonates from Molecular CO2 by Computer Simulation, Science, Volume 284, 1999, pp. 788-790.
  • with C. Cavazzoni a. a .: Superionic and metallic states of water and ammonia at giant planet conditions, Science, Volume 283, 1999, pp. 44-46
  • with A. Laio u. a .: Physics of iron at Earth's core conditions, Science, Volume 287, 2000, pp. 1027-1030
  • with GE Santoro, R. Martonak, R. Car: Theory of quantum annealing of an Ising spin glass, Science, Volume 295, 2002, pp. 2427-2430
  • with M. Capone, M. Fabrizio, C. Castellani: Strongly correlated superconductivity, Science, Volume 296, 2002, pp. 2364-2366
  • with BNJ Persson a. a .: On the nature of surface roughness with application to contact mechanics, sealing, rubber friction and adhesion, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 17, 2004, R1
  • with Lucignano a. a .: Kondo conductance in an atomic nanocontact from first principles, Nature Materials, Volume 8, 2009, pp. 563-567
  • with A. Vanossi, N. Manini, M. Urbakh, S. Zapperi: Colloquium: Modeling friction: From nanoscale to mesoscale, Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 85, 2013, p. 529
  • with R. Requist a. a .: Metallic, magnetic and molecular nanocontacts, Nature Nanotechnology, Volume 11, 2016, pp. 499-508, Arxiv

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tosatti, Basani: Optical constants of graphite, Il Nuovo Cimento B, Volume 65, 1965-1970, pp 161-173.
  2. ^ A. Auerbach, Manini, Tosatti: Electron-vibron interactions in charged fullerenes. I. Berry phases, Physical Review B, Volume 49, 1994, pp. 12998-13007, Arxiv , part 2, pp. 13008-13016