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The figure of the explaining is an artificial figure and a homoioteleuton . The term found its way into common usage as a linguistic image and describes the frequent repetition of detailed verbal representations of facts. The term is therefore used disparagingly, such as in "I am not your explainer, read the documentation". The attribute explainable is often attached to men and is therefore also used in connection with mansplaining when men explain facts to other - mostly female - people without being asked. However, there are also positive representations, according to which the explainer can explain a complicated issue very well or has a lasting influence on society. This characteristic is particularly emphasized in the area of ​​children's television, such as with Peter Lustig or the figure of Woozle Goozle , a broadcast by the station SuperRTL , which is based on this figure of explaining.

Further representations are known; so was Markus Maria Profitlich in the Sketch -Shows The Wochenshow and human Markus embodies an irritated Erklärbär. Also YouTuber use the name given to explanatory videos and explanations they offer themselves, such as the German Webvideoproduzent AlexiBexi .

Individual evidence

  1. Silke Fokken and Armin Himmelrath: The guys in front of the blackboard: Who is your super teacher? Der Spiegel, December 23, 2019, accessed on May 2, 2020 .
  2. The explainer is mostly a man. Deutschlandfunk, April 14, 2020, accessed on May 2, 2020 .
  3. Milosz Matuschek: Mercy for those who explain! - NZZ. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 7, 2016, accessed on May 2, 2020 .
  4. Carolin Gasteiger: The best "Löwenzahn" episodes. Süddeutsche Zeitung, February 24, 2016, accessed on May 2, 2022 .
  5. Alexander Bösch: "Comedy was just a hobby". Lübecker Nachrichten, December 10, 2018, accessed on May 2, 2020 .
  6. AlexiBexi: Explanatory. Youtube.com, accessed May 2, 2020 .