Erlanger Lark

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Erlanger Lark
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Larks (Alaudidae)
Genre : Calandrella
Type : Erlanger Lark
Scientific name
Calandrella Erlangeri
( Neumann , 1906)
Distribution area of ​​the Erlanger Lark

The Erlanger Lark ( Calandrella erlangeri ) is a species from the lark family. Its body proportions correspond to the short-toed lark found in southern Europe , but it is somewhat smaller. Their distribution area is in the east of Africa. No subspecies are distinguished. It is considered possible that the Erlanger Lark together with the Short-toed Lark, the Blanford Lark , the Redwood Lark and the Tibetan Lark form a super species .


The Erlanger Lark reaches a body length of about 13 to 14 centimeters. There is no gender dimorphism .

The Erlanger Lark is gray on the upper side of the body with strong dark stripes. The forehead is blackish, the crown is deep reddish. The crown feathers are slightly elongated and can be set up to form a small hood. The back of the head is strongly streaked. The chin and throat are white, the chest is reddish-brown with large blackish spots on the sides of the upper chest that extend to the flanks.

Distribution area and habitat

The Erlangerlche occurs exclusively in the central highlands of Ethiopia. She colonized open grasslands there. Occasionally, larger groups gather in freshly plowed fields.

Way of life

The way of life of the Erlanger Lark has not yet been conclusively investigated. For example, it is not known what they use to meet their nutritional needs.

Like all larks, the lark is a ground breeder. The breeding season falls from May to June. The male shows a singing flight, during which it climbs up to 50 meters while singing and then slowly falls down again.


  • Rudolf Pätzold : The larks of the world . Westarp Sciences, Magdeburg 1994, ISBN 3-89432-422-8 .
  • Rudolf Pätzold: Compendium of Larks. All the larks on earth. Jan-Schimkat-Medienpublikation, Dresden 2003, ISBN 3-00-011219-7 .
  • Oscar Neumann: Birds of the Shoah and South Ethiopia . In: Journal of Ornithology . tape 54 , no. 3 , 1905, pp. 229-300 ( ).

Single receipts

  1. a b Pätzold: Compendium of Larks . P. 261.
  2. a b c d Handbook of the Birds of the World zur Erlangerlerche , accessed on March 12, 2017