Erling von Mende

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Erling von Mende (born October 10, 1940 in Berlin ) was from 1983 to 2007 university professor of Sinology at the East Asian Department of the Free University of Berlin . His focus is on the social and economic history of the traditional material culture of China, in particular the early Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty , the early Qing period with special consideration of the Manchurian influence and Manchuristics , Xinjiang and Manchuria as well as the imperial Foreign policy in the northern and northeastern border areas.


Erling von Mende was born in Berlin as the son of the university professor Gerhard von Mende and the native Norwegian Karoline Espeseth. After graduating from the humanistic Görresgymnasium in Düsseldorf in 1960, he first studied law at the universities of Hamburg and Freiburg. In 1963 he began studying Sinology in Bonn, initially under Peter Olbricht , and from 1964 onwards with Walter Fuchs in Cologne. At the same time he studied economic history with Hermann Kellenbenz and medium and modern history with A. Brühl and Theodor Schieder .

The doctorate took place in Cologne in 1969 (Sinology, Economic History, Manchurian Studies) with the dissertation The economic and consular relations of Norway to China from the middle of the 19th century. until the First World War with Walter Fuchs and Herrmann Kellenbenz. In 1979 he completed his habilitation in Cologne (Sinology and Manchurian Studies ) with the habilitation thesis China and the States on the Korean Peninsula up to the 12th Century: An investigation into the development of the forms of international relations in East Asia.


  • Lutz Bieg: Erling von Mende - 25 years in the service of Sinology in Cologne and Berlin or from the difficulties of the beginning. Laudation in: Raimund Theodor Kolb , Martina Siebert (Ed.): About heaven and earth. Festschrift for Erling von Mende. Treatises for the customer of the Orient, 57, 3. Wiesbaden 2006.

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