Ernst-Otto Schwabe

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Ernst-Otto Schwabe (born June 2, 1929 in Berlin ) was editor -in- chief of the foreign policy magazine horizont in the GDR and a member of the foreign policy commission at the Politburo of the SED Central Committee .


Ernst-Otto Schwabe reached the first prominent station of his party career in the SED as a sector leader in the International Relations Department of the SED Central Committee . From 1965 to 1968 he was head of the press department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the GDR . On September 11, 1968, he received the order from the secretariat of the SED central committee to found and manage horizont . He held the post of editor-in-chief until 1989. He was credited with having good contacts with the top GDR leadership, so that Hans-Otto Bräutigam, as head of the permanent representation , sought talks with him as an unofficial diplomatic communication channel with the leadership group around Honecker . As requested, Schwabe passed the content of these discussions on to Honecker.

In 1989 he was awarded the Patriotic Order of Merit in gold.


  • Fight against fascism and war then and now . Panorama Verlag, Berlin 1975.
  • Together with Tord Riemann: Freedom, democracy, human rights, for whom and for what? Information from the GDR . Panorama Verlag, Berlin 1976.
  • We want to continue to live in peace - what to do? A view from the GDR . Verlag Zeit im Bild, Dresden 1977. Also published in English, Finnish, French, Italian, Swedish and Spanish.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Gunter Holzweißig: Class enemies and "relaxation friends" - Western media in the crosshairs of the SED and MfS . Series of publications by the Berlin State Commissioner for the Documents of the State Security Service of the former GDR, Berlin 1995. Volume 2, pages 49–52. Available online ( memento of the original from July 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Retrieved July 17, 2008; PDF; 1.1 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Berliner Zeitung , 29./30. April 1989, p. 4
  3. Title in English: Continued peace is vital - what is to be done? The GDR presents its views. , in French: Nous voulons continuer à vivre en paix, que faire ?: information de RDA , in Italian: Vogliamo vivere in pace-che fare? : Osservazioni dalla RDT , in Swedish Vi vill fortsatt fred - vad bör göras? : några synpunkter från DDR . All editions were published by Zeit im Bild, Dresden 1977 in the Panorama DDR series.